or it's a planet with an atmosphere and all, considering the giant gas planet in the background
still, it is a gringe when in scifi everyone takes off their gear before they truly abalyze the atmosphere who knows what is in there not to mention micro-organisms etc tgat could infect you
yolo I guess
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>927042 man there was this episode of magic schoolbus right where arnold goes to pluto and he just gets so mad that he fucking killed himself this is a childrens cartoon but he fucking kills himself by taking his helmet off freezes immediately that shit scared the hell out of me when i was a kid they showed it to us in school like wtf
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry, not man in the gender way but in the "fuck" way didn't mean to say it like that
's fine I vaguely remember that episode too but I wasn't that freaked out by it Though I watched it on TV at home ...I think I'm not entirely certain if I did, but I vaguely remember it so I must have watched it at some point, the question is just whether I did while otherwise watching the show, or later because of that one frame becoming a reaction image on 4chan
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/watch?v=TaiOOSJon4M i like how if you google "arnold kills" it automatically populates with "kills himself" and "kills himself in space" without magic schoolbus or anything
Chad move though, can't lie
>>927050 english is weird with its dudes guys and maan
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gotta respect him
This headache is absolutely beating me in right now I can't do any work and I'm definitely getting a bit nauseous I hate these wild pressure changes they always give me the worst headaches
That would be such a fucked up thing for him to say, too, holy shit
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if carlos, a 10-year-old, could manage to say that after he watched someone kill himself
carlos would be the coldest person alive!
Really though, I think most of the kids in that show probably are gonna need therapy
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
"it's true, doc. when i was in school, they shrunk us down and we got eaten. i almost got melted alive by stomach acid. every night i see the acid coming towards me. the nightmares never stop" right right here's a little pill we like to call an antipsychotic
Yeah, imagine anyone believing them atleast in say Doctor Who, the doctor or aliens aren't a big secret, but usually a public fact.
It's not super often I rewatch stuff, but Black Lagoon has had its own little room in my head since the OP worked its way into one of my spotify recommendation playlists, so here I am, on episode 2 And it holds up It's just a really good show
You know how a lot of cheese types are like, soft and halfway liquid inside, but have this crust externally? Could one make a regular white castello that's just that crust?
>>927076 Is F+ better or worse than an F? >>927078 Makes sense I guess Still feels a bit like a backhanded + though "You failed, but you did well for a failure"
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
F+ is better than F
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Any stat that's like X50 or higher gets a + haha so like B+ and stuff
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
although this is the strongest i've ever gotten someone so it looks like 550 is C+, 600 is B. and then 700 is B+
in general grading is -X X X+ X½ or basically usin say 3 2,75 3 3,25 3,5
One necromancer can summon 8 zombies or skeletons if you gather an army of necromancers that is 160 skellies orzombies
I should try this it prolly won't really work as is, but add their magical attacks into the mix and you have overkill of an army, not to mention waste of necromancers
This game pre battle has a gambling feature of rolling for more initial mana I have no idea if it is just confirmation bias or actual force of will But apparently shouting fuck youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu at ranald and giving him the double finger gives you always mroe mana
you could always just buy some 60% or something and leave it with gummy vitamins or something for a while I dunno why you'd really want vitamin booze tho, seems kinda unnecessarily efficient
'deed + most likely with alcohol in you, the vitamins wouldn't get digested properly not to mention most likely making you more drunk too
Well, that secondary effect may be desired
>>927103 alcoholism depletes things like thiamine which can cause wks
Still you could just eat some vitamin gummies But I guess booze with vitamins in it would be useful
>game developer expectations: >defend the walls of settlements >game reality: >walls just make your armies weaker and half of useful abilites can't be cast on wallsor units on walls >what happens: >street brawls, abandon walls
You've reminded me of this, although it's not actually directly related In RDR2, you've got this bullet time ability, right, and it lets you mark targets to unload your gun into in rapid succession, basically in the span of maybe a second or two of real time, with pinpoint accuracy This essentially means that if you pick up your two pistols with a combined ammo count of 16 rounds, you can kill 16 people with a domeshot in the time it takes one of them to unholster his gun And no matter how many times you does this, none of your companions ever comments on it or goes "HOLY SHIT, Arthur. H-How...?"
>>927110 Wait, wouldn't it be 12 rounds? Because two revolvers.
>>927111 Pistols, not revolvers Pistols in the game have anything ranging from 8 to 12 rounds in the mag, I think, and the first one you can get fairly early is 8 rounds
Actually, there is a revolver with 8 too, but it's CALLED a pistol Mechanically it's a revolver, but it's called a pistol in name anyway >>927113 Well yes, but the game labels them separately "Pistols" are semi-auto
>>927112 Revolvers are pistols. >>927114 Yeah, there were also revolving rifles.
there are revolvers with more than 6 chambers, if memory calls
Yeah you can get an m1899 Well, you can get two if you want >>927119 I haven't actually unlocked all of them, but you can also get a mauser So you can RP as a WW1 guy
I know for a fact that there is a 12 chamber one some gun USA used in wars, tho mainly an officer weapon
>>927118 I dunno if this one was in the game, tho >>927118 well it is the 1890s version not ww1 I can see how it made its way into the US, but at the same time...
i want to make a blockchain based moe this is a terrible terrible idea
>>927120 Well, it's not like anyone except one mission-specific group of NPCs even uses them, anyway
Hell, you end up just playing with revolvers as your main handguns just cause you don't gotta go buy ammo for them, ever Pistols you have to fill up on ammo for if you use it as a main source of lead
All sorts of weapons find their way into America, and probably have since time immemorial Not even necessarily cause they're great, but I imagine a fascination with firearms goes way back in good old uncle sam
Mm, but you have to always think of the year and spread for example, if you had some game set in 1949 USA and have a fuckton of ak-47s in it that would be stretching it to an absolute limit
>>927126 Not as much anymore Izmash/Kalashnikov produced guns are illegal to import. Thanks Obama Fucking Trump should've gotten rid of that executive order but he never did. Useless bastard
>>927126 mauser guns were damn wide spread, but you have to remember, that this was basically partially state controlled weapons manufacturer in IMPERIAL GERMANY with fucktons of enemies
they don't sell guns that easily, especially to potential enemies.
but basically it was officially contracted by mexicans for example and it is listed as being uses in the spanish-american war of 1898 so *and also the late 19th century saw a lot of german immigrants move to USA, but this still is a weapon made in like 1896 so despite having over million copies producted over the years, that is between 1890s and 1930s
>>927128 Wait Specifically Kalashnikovs? Like not as part of a broader thing?
>>927132 Yeah Kalashnikov now known as Izmash, anything produced by them is illegal to import to the US because of an Obama executive order.
>>927131 well rdr2 is set in 1911, so that's a decade and a half of manufacturing and deliveries getting "lost"
>>927137 I think majority of kalashnikovs imported to USA don't come from russia
>>927139 When I say Kalashnikov right now I mean manufactured by them or their successor company. Importing Chinese/Czech/whatever copy AK-47s is still allowed.
also if you did that, russia would ban US weapons too as a counter strike
Though I guess banning imports from Russia doesn't stop middleman countries from just buying from the ruskies and selling to the americans, making it an ineffective piece of legislation Still seems stupid though
>>927142 That's still illegal And right now you can take a look at the gun and tell it was made by Izmash.
Anyways it was specifically done as a response to the Crimea thing.
>>927144 yaeh I was just thinking about it, it most likely are part of quite MANY trade embargoes against russia and not just the kalashnikovs
the main strategy there was not actually hit russia, but the oligarchs who run it kinda impossible to break a nation's coffers, especially one as big as russia but hurting the elites to make them pressure the politicians, plausible too bad didn't work, as everyone who disagrees with putin tends to disappear
>>927289 I don' t agree but I will give you props for that wordplay.
Oh yeah I found whoa's phone number in my screenshot folder.
i got two phone numbers my us number is 630 835 4336 my jap number is 070 3803 5938 if u got a phone number text my jap one an iphone i mean an iphone text my jap one
Oh I found the tweet by Kirara where he talks about how hhe accidentally snapped a raccoon's neck.
not me
Night /moe/
Sleep is canceled.
oh ok a whole 10 minute nap
I have to be up in three hours. I'll just stay up
Anyone around?
im at the gym :) theres this really really hot girl that goes at this time she also has a veey nice butt i think she likes me she worked out right next to me like the while time
>>927301 Nice I've been going through my screenshot folder and I've been seeing a lot of /moe/ stuff
more people have Charlotte on their MAL than for Nichijou, Haruhi, Serial Experiments Lain, or Higurashi more people have Infinite Stratos on their MAL than for Lain or for all the idolmasters combined almost the same for Hidamari Sketch
MAL is inaccurate af That's the only conclusion I can come up with since I've only found like 3 people that have watched Katanagatari in the whole world, yet thousands have apparently seen it
that's just the number of people who have added that show to their list and the sample size is only MAL but it's still interesting >>927330 a show like Katanagatari (which is especially hard to watch legally, or at least has been for most of the last decade) is likely to attract the kind of people who would actually add it to their MAL, where the majority of anime enjoyers probably don't even have a MAL or know what it is
gotta remember the demographics of the bell curve are way different looking now
think about it is it rude especially directly juxtaposed to you is anything rude when your very existence your very presence is the rudest insult to the perception of everything around you that could ever exist
I uh seem to possibly have permanently killed my longest friendship after I blacked out fuck
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
stop blacking out then
I mean it's the first time I've for real blacked out, I think I just hope he forgives me at some point Probably not gonna be anytime soon tho
did you try making him blackout
I don't fucking know what I said, I blacked out But he's... pissed, to put it mildly And basically breaking up the friendship because of it And from what little I've been able to tease out, I can't even blame him
why are you two being dicks to someone who is clearly in actual distress someone that you are at least acquaintances with no less you should be ashamed
>>927658 Sometimes all you can do is give them space and then try to apologize when the wounds aren't so fresh. That's pretty unfortunate though
I don't think apologies are gonna cut it on this one This is the same person I told you about in DMs and I think I may have just confirmed his worst fears about me when I was out of it jesus fuck, im fucked up
>>927667 I didn't say you should be sympathetic, I said you don't need to be a dick.
>>927665 Well, sometimes time can still be helpful. If it's an important relationship to both of you, he probably doesn't want it to end either.
It's really important to both of us, we've been tight as hell for closing on like, 2 decades or something He doesn't want it to end either, I assume, but he doesn't fucking trust me anymore now, at all nothing I can really do about it though, I guess but he's been my best friend forever, so I don't really know where to go from here
I don't think he wants me to be there at all anymore And I feel icky even saying anything at all to him now, so I'm not gonna for a long, long time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
communicate your feelings and your needs
My only feelings are just shame at this point though And I already said I'm really sorry about everything I said, I just don't actually remember a word of it myself so I don't really know what I said I just know a few of the things I said, and I can't fucking understand why I would have said any of it
Is this enough to make you start dealing with your alcohol problem? https://www.anonymealkoholikere.no/
I mean it's the first time I've drank at all in a really long time I'm not an alcoholic, I just don't have any self control when I drink, so i drink way more than I should
But I'm probably gonna get a psych appointment to deal with whatever the fuck is wrong with me The stuff I said has me feeling like it wasn't me when I was drunk, at all
Which I know sounds stupid, and like an excuse, but I just don't at all understand how I could have meant any of it
Doesn't me rarely drinking to begin with kinda counter that though? I thought alcoholism was like, addiction, you know? Like you wanna drink, often Not just you drink a ton the times you do drink
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no, there are a lot of people who just binge drink once and a while
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kinda counter? you don't even believe it yourself
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we can call it an alcohol problem if that's easier but if you can't stop once you start that's a sign of alcohol problem, it's a neurological thing even if you can go some time without it and then you binge it's still alcoholism adjacent
It's definitely a problem though, yeah And it's not like it's good at all
I dunno if there's much of a solution to it other than just not drinking anymore, though >>927683 Also that's not what I meant, I just mean it's kinda beyond saying stupid shit while drunk In a few hours I completely crushed the single closest friendship I've ever had and ever will have, and he's never ever going to trust me again And that's a lot of trust destroyed, as kirara should know but I'm not gonna start blabbing too much on that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you can destroy a friendship so easily, it's not such a strong friendship you know what the best apology is? changed behavior
Some things are unforgivable, that's all
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's not like you killed someone. and even if you did murder is often considered forgivable youre the one who is saying what you've done is unforgivable he didn't say that
If I'd killed someone, he'd help me hide the body, before this
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what have you actually told him, did you only say you were sorry or some other things?
i'm kind of losing my shit my boss gave me a new client who has trauma that is watching his wife get hit by a car and then die in his arms my boss knows about my trauma so i don't know why he would do that but i can't do that, it's too dangerous for me and there's no one i can talk to about this situation because i'm the only clinical staff and my boss isn't available until the time when i would have to see this client
I also said I don't actually believe those things I said, but it's not like that really matters, I think There's parts of this I'm being deliberately vague about just because I don't wanna air some stuff in 'public', even if nobody here knows him and he'll never go here himself
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>927697 uh oh >>927696 did you tell him you didn't mean any of it, it isn't // i feel like you gotta own this apology harder than "sorry uhh idk what that was"
I did say that, yeah I don't, after all, but I can't say whether I meant it when I said it, cause it's all blank
I don't know how to own up to it more than I am >>927701 Of course that fucking matters, to him anyway
It's also hard to say "I didn't mean what I said" when I'm not entirely clear on what the fuck I actually said I'm sure I didn't mean it, whatever it was, but it's not exactly convincing to have someone say "I don't know what I said, but I didn't mean it" I wish I remembered
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what do you mean you can't say whether you meant it? that doesn't even matter
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
obviously you didn't mean it and you should take it back
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you are being cagey and a little autistic about it all you gotta do is say with your heart you didn't mean it and it isn't true
I'll do that later For now I'm gonna give him some time and space away from me
Even if this can be mended, it's not gonna happen today
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry, cagey is the wrong word
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>927704 that might be wise idk in your scenario but i think giving positive words to him sooner than later is wise
he's... really mad about it Like, this is the only time either of us has been truly angry with the other, and he's cut the whole friendship off over it, so I think it's best not to be pushy Cause whatever the fuck I said, it cut really fucking deep
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea he's mad cuz you offended him and haven't really tried to make amends maybe?
Maybe I'll send him a message during the weekend, so he's had time to calm down and it's not so recent I gotta figure out how to really approach it myself, too Cause I'm worried I might make it worse
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't know maybe im just crazy? but maybe that's why he's still mad????
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
coinbase CEO is on reddit answering questions this is gonna be another shitshow
Besides I'm still a bit woozy, so I'm not in the best mental state to do much beyond what I've already done with this
I decided to go get some fresh air so I could snap myself out of the oncoming mental health crisis and the skies are dark and it's raining ashes because something is on fire. I wish my boss would be mindful and say "oh, this client's trauma are similar to matt's, let's avoid putting them together because it would be dangerous to matt"
Are you just gonna have to tell them you can't do it and reschedule them?
Yeah. They're gonna have to find him another therapist.
Too bad I'm the only full time therapist here! And the part timer is full up! She can take more clients, but the company has to pay per client for her, which is very expensive.
So the company is going to have to decide whether they want to pay her more or keep me. Because if they don't take him off my schedule, they'll have my resignation on their desk before the day ends.
That sucks for him, goddamn But it's not like you can really do it if it'd be dangerous for you
i'm gonna be super on edge until i get this worked out though can't concentrate on anything because my brain is triggered it would be nice if we had some fucking employees
apparently we're hiring a new therapist who has literally never done therapy like ok that's what we need at a high level of care with high risk clients who are at risk of DYING
Everyone's got to start somewhere! But yes this is why paid internships are important for skilled trades like therapy
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have like 15 minutes to resolve this and NOBODY that is able to resolve this is available because in 15 minutes i have a client and then immediately after that is the client i cannot see
Is your boss going to be available while you're seeing the first client?
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably yeah there's like a 60% chance he will be the other person who can help might be available during that time too
>>927725 Well I think your best bet is to leave a very pointed text or email, whichever is more likely to get received, telling them it's their job to fix this mess-up, especially since you're busy with the appointment. They're being dumbasses here, they need to fix the problem, not you.
it's gonna take time for anything to go back to how it was, if it ever can, but the both of us kinda.. need each other, I guess we've just both got baggage, and some of it caused some tension last night, or I caused the tension
still gonna quit drinking though, I never want anything like this to happen again
>>927733 it's crazy! it feels like it dropped from like 20c to 15c in my office and i can't really see that far out of my window anymore and there's that weird filtered sunlight that you get through smoke
Also puts into perspective how scary the west coast forest fires are What you're seeing is from a large but still controlled burn The smoke from the uncontrolled fires absolutely throws the perception and feel of the nearby regions completely out of the norm
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I still want to see those bloodred skies someday. But yeah. Fire sure is amazing.
One of the people that might be able to help me is downstairs talking to people and won't answer her phone. But I can't go and grab her because I don't want this to become a thing that people know about, that I'm triggered, because if people know, these fucking morons won't stop talking about it, and all the clients will hear about it. Maybe I'll just fuckin go home.
finally i was able to get alone to tell the case manager and she said she'd take care of it when she walked in with our new nurse practitioner to introduce me i wanted to cry "this is matt he's so funny" thanks i'm dying
I am glad you were able to resolve the issue, and I can't believe they would do that to you without at least trying to consult you on the idea of giving you a client like that, wow
your workplace sure sounds awful, overall you work with psychs and they'd start blabbing if you told them about your own trauma? That's absurdly fucked up
The people who work here are fucking morons. They wouldn't intentionally tell anyone about it, but they're all so fucking loud I can hear them speak when I'm a floor above them and are thereby incapable of discussing anything without people finding out. Most of my coworkers know about my trauma already, though, I just don't want it to be known that I was triggered by a client.
>>927747 Right? Knowing my trauma history, they should have at least asked me if I would be comfortable with that first. Imagine if I hadn't read the case before I saw the client the first time. It could have been catastrophic. These morons put me in serious danger.
>>927749 Honestly if it were me I would think that it was intentional, but maybe i'm more prone to thinking that people are more malicious than they actually are sometimes. Regardless, I'd say it was a blessing that things were able to be resolved peacefully. I'd probably not only be terrified but also fuming over their carelessness/twisted intent.
>>927751 There are a lot of times I would think it is intentional, but my boss is actually terrified that I am going to quit so he wouldn't take that risk right now. If I quit, this entire business will have to shut down because I'm the only thing holding it up. And he knows I don't need this job, so I don't think he's stupid enough to play a game like that. He knows I'll quit as soon as I'm not enjoying my work here because I've told him many times that the only thing keeping me here is that I have fun working. But yeah, I'm glad it's resolved.
>>927753 That's actually a beautiful position to be in for a job..The independent part, I mean. I can only hope I can pull off something like that off at my next line of work; Kind of like you're holding all the cards and everyone knows it.
I like the power it gives me but it's also kind of annoying being the only thing between a business having to shut down or not. It does mean I can do shit like watch anime in my office during work hours or just literally not enter the building for a whole day if I don't have clients, like tomorrow. Tomorrow I'm gonna stay home and play games and get my salary for it. Because I'm too strong to be stopped.
>>927755 That does seem kinda stressful..I guess I would feel bad if that kinda weight was on my shoulders too. Then again, I guess its not really your fault if they crash and burn without you either. What games you gonna play? O powerful juan
>>927756 I change my name so that also might be throwing you off, since its not consistent on top of not consistently posting. A lot of inconsistencies piling up will probably do that I guess
I think the last times I came here I was saying that the Fate: Heaven's Feel movies was good, and the other time I was here I was begging Kirara to play a VN I was playing And I still haven't play Umineko like everyone recommended aaaaaa
>>927758 I haven't recommended Umineko to you. Umineko is really long, I'd recommend Tsukihime and Kagetsu Tohya over Umineko. Oh and Aoishiro
the only VN i've done multiple routes on is Ever17 and i didn't finish the final route
>>927762 Ahh, well maybe I used "everyone" too broadly, it was mostly Kirara's recommendation and then everyone else agreed it was good
Tsukihime and Kagetsu Tohya are really good though, I especially loved Kagetsu Tohya and the whole recurring day thing they had going on. I was so confused the whole time haha, and once I got to the next part it felt really fulfilling each time.
>>927764 I'm pretty sure Umineko is longer than War and Peace.
>>927764 I actually haven't done every route in Fate. I started playing it again like last year but got distracted after i did the Fate route. I've gotten every single ending in Tsukihime and Kagetsu though.
>>927767 If the VN is getting to be too much for you, the Heaven's Feel movies has done a really good job from what I can tell. I watched parts 1 and 2, which I loved, and part 3 reviews are calling it a masterpiece.
>>927768 My autism won't let me watch the movied without playing through the route first. The only Fate anime I watched before playing through the corresponding route was the Deen anime because the vn hadn't been fully translated yet.
>>927769 That's understandable too. Kudos to you though on getting all the routes in Kagetu Tohya..That's a maze I wouldn't be able to navigate through without some kind of guide.
in other news my boss never responded to my email saying it was inappropriate to assign me that client, and i know he's seen the email by now he didnt call or text me or anything what a dick
I did the jogging. But if I'm doing it in place, I can make sure my steps properly diffuse the shock that usually goes to my knees when I run. The only way to do that usually is to lean forward heavily when I'm running which is only ideal for sprinting. I can sprint without hurting my knees but not run at a regular pace.
But jogging in place, I can make sure I land on the tips of my toes and then slowly bring the balls of my feet down to touch the ground which does away with most of the shock.
>>927787 I have carpet floors and I'm also so quiet that nobody ever hears me coming at work so it's not a problem for me
run squat is certainly quieter can fonfirm
>>927785 I'm on throttled data right now and can't load that tweet, can you summarize it for me?
why are you throttled Tl;dr current NFTs either just point to a URL or metadata that's basically equivalent to a URL so if the site goes bust that shit is gone forever, also someone can then buy the domain and turn your priceless piece of art into amogus.png Quote Tweet
Tried doing some shopping but I was kind of shut down onon most of what I was trying to buy hah hah Wanted to get some replacement Joy-Cons and hit up the phone store to get my plan improved But the phone store was closed and the only store that was both open and carrying the controllers head -had a pretty bad colour option And the books I really wanted at the bookstore were either out of stock or still all in hardcover And I don't really want to pick up a thousand-page hardcover book at the moment Still I did pick some books up I haven't really read a lot in recent months and I've been kind of missing it
>>927797 Cute I tried pulling her during her banner without any luck Think I'll just blow all the gems and tickets I've got saved up when the new banner comes in a few days
The final member of Little Lyrical She'll be a new character so it will be nice for completionist sake to get her quickly But I've got almost 7500 gems saved up so I'll be able to do a bunch of pulls anyway.
>>927801 You know maybe it's coincidence But i feel like i get slightly less scammed by the gacha when i use tickets instead of gems
It's almost certainly both coincidence, and an illusion of going through each draw one by one More than that, it's actually more of a scam, when you look at the cold, hard numbers Since the ten-pull at least guarantees a 2* every pull, and the single pulls offer none of that
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>927804 Hmm That's what the numbers SAY But almost everything good I've ever rolled has been off the back of a single use ticket Explain that one, atheists
I'll bounce it to the lawyers and say if they weren't accurately disclosing rates they'd be at risk of tiresome legal battles so you're just chewing through a bunch of bad karma you've accrued, ya dweeb
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all the bars have waiting lists fak except this one on the second floor
niceeeee rollerbladin with the 70s girls pic related its u
Play tested my new magic deck. Its currently my mmomost expensive deck at around $500~. I have $80~ worth of cards in the mail that I'm gonna put in it though. And there's a card being printed later this year that is prepriced at $60 that I plan on getting for it. Although like $40~ of the value is fancy basic lands.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>927846 wow its me :) i wish would need to work out quite a bit maybe this summer :o >>927847 jeez are you gonna pulp some younguns
>>927848 Maybe Anyways here's the card im getting later thus year. They're doing thus thing where they are reprinting 60 iconic cards with special frames and you get one in each regular magic pack. Unfortunately only the Japan exclusive designs look good.
lately i just been running a lot monday distance for pace/ tuesday 1 mile for time/ wednesday sprints/ thurs 1 mile for time / friday distance for time sat or sun distance for distance
im doing more cuz they might be sendin me to airborne school gotta be good
This is what the non Japanese version looks like. Literally the worst looking frame they've ever done. And even in Japan each pack only has a 50% chance of containing the cool Japanese art version.
>>927848 It won't be super competitive, mono decks usually aren't as good and there are a few really expensive cards that you need (yawgmoth's will) I do however have the two really expensive black lands, Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth and the even more expensive Cabal Coffers. The deck is really weird and has a lot of cards that don't work in any other deck. There was an old card that is kind of bad (that goes good in this deck) that used to go for $15 (only because it was only printed in one set) that's gone up to $70 because of investors ruining the magic secondary market.
God total wars as a series is closing in to 30 years soon and they still have failed to add a basic function of "if you are being fired upon by a unit and you can see and charge it, CHARGE" but nope
i'd really like to see a group of soldiers who just stand there looking at some archers or gunners and go "nah, we can eat those bullets"
kokoro no genjitsu
I bought BOTW to christen my new headset It's got bluetooth and regular wireless, so it's like my old arctis3 but better because no cables necessary, and I can both discord AND watch movies and stuff
breath of the wild?
ya Got a bluetooth adapter on my switch for it and everything, it's really pretty damn good
the joycons actually are kind of a great controller idea it's not fantastic for like "serious" games, but for something casual like this, not needing to have your hands in any particular place is really
nice lets you just relax and play video games
Joy-Cons are pretty nice
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i love the joycons best controller ever imo can get so comfy while using them
Kinda blows for something like smash though, and usually I don't really play these kinda casual games Been wanting to play botw tho
but switch is damn genius, havn't had much interraction with it, but few nice mariocart sessions from the tiny screen using the tiny controller was fun must have been a fun scene 4 burly men, gathered around a tiny screen, with tiny controllers in hands
i have a little thingie that lets me swap my second monitor between PC and switch, so I can actually play on the switch Can't fucking use the tiny screen for anything, it's too small it works for something like pokemon I assume
Also is this the first zelda game without a silent link? You've got dialogue options in this one
It's nice to have an open world game that doesn't feel like wasting your time the whole way through And it just sorta opens up immediately, though you do need some basic equipment from what I can tell It still feels open immediately
Some part of my brain is very annoyed with them doing the "dududuru dududuru dududuru...." without the final part when you get map data and stuff though Gimme the "BA BA BARAAA" at the end, I'm playin' fucking zelda
>>927956 My understanding is the Joy-Cons are pretty durable -aside- from the glaring tracking issue
I always wonder about the tests, when they do say phone charger plug ins etc and can say "this lasts about 10k plug ins" do they actually do the 10k plug ins on multiple phones to find it out or just asspull it?
and if they do, do they use a machine or some cheap labour dudes, whose job is to just do that plug in plug out
>>927968 They use machines. I've seen videos of them. Oh, speaking of using machines.
Connection dropped ;_; It'll upload any second now. This is the best post I've ever seen on /mu/. Yeah it isn't uploading.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Sam your website doesn't work very well when your connection is super slow. I blame Verizon And also the people in my family who used all of our data. >>927974 Eh it's fine, this is a rare occurrence. Although tano seems to work a bit better.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i bet it doesn't! i bet most sites don't work well but yeah uh someone's gotta rewrite this thing to be offline-friendly who's gonna do it
the live posting kinda weirds out, when you have very bad connection and start to upload eventually browser starts to prioritise the uploading, and loses synch with the site and disc
Oh I found the problem The image is 1 MB Not gonna happen with this shitty connection. I'll have someone else who has the image upload it for me.
>>927974 do it like the google dinosaur jumping game
that way even when things crash nobody minds because you get to play a fun minigame.
only good thing about chrome the dinosaur game
Old Man: Link, now that you have the four spirit orbs, I want you to imagine an X on your map between the four shrines you visited, meet me at the ce- Me: You want me to go to the temple of time, right? Yeah. I already went there earlier and it said I needed the four orbs so I'm way ahead of you here