YEah, that seems to make sense. I wonder if she knows the end is coming oh I guess that's not the twist
I suspect the supercomputer in her head was calculating everything and giving her that information All the way up to the point where she gets abducted and the computer ripped out of her head. She interpreted that as the world ending since she didn't have the ability to calculate the future anymore.
I guess it's more of a familial love here than the usual love confession. Though that's kind of a nice departure from a standard one.
I guess the end of series drama arc is starting up that ramped up quickly
It happened a bit better than Maeda's usual run at this kind of thing In the past he's had a really bad habit of letting a series mill around for too long before having to really wrap up the story in the final one or two episodes. I think it's because he's too used to writing VN-length fiction which has a much longer runtime. Like Angel Beats and Charlotte both kinda just drop the big climax on you really, really fast. This time he planted the B-plot with Hackerboy early on and had it occasionally flip back to that to build up this climax.
It's still kind of shoehorn-y, especially with all the governments going "yeah lol consign a girl to death so that people don't have access to a supercomputer" But it's an improvement.
I wonder what he did wrong this is an interesting show too good season so far
Yeah that was a fun first episode. These were all pretty interest-catching first episodes. Urasekai Picnic and this in particular I'll be excited to see what's next. Gekidol might need another episode or two to sell me on it, the first one was interesting but a bit fuzzy on the premise. Mondays this season look good though.
I'm excited to see what the Tsukihime remake brings to the table. Type-Moon's stuff has been so Fate-focused for so long that some of the other stuff has kind of fallen out of focus.
Either way I think making a gag series out of the F/GO characters is still potent to be fun. A lot of the seasonal events in the mobage seem to be silly and full of antics anyway. Type-Moon's always had a good knack for their character's memes and playing around with the absurdity underlying the stories.
!!! KI MI TO
It's a new version too Probably bringing in the newer seiyuu that weren't a part of Type-Moon's stuff back when the original Carnival Phantasm came out.
>OVA is coming soon >First release in July Time might be relative sure but that doesn't feel soon at all!
Thank you for spending your time on this planet with us. There's only so many people we can know in our lifetimes, so that we were who got to know you is special.
>>908223 I wanted gum and toilet paper and I forgot gum Instead I got a citronella candle, salad mix, some little snack container and then gum when I remembered
Oh and a shaker cup
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
shaker? i hardly know er
see that's your problem, you're not suppose to shake the girls
Yeah I agree They had to spend a lot of this season too introducing the full main cast. I think they did a good job with the individual episodes but it doesn't leave a lot of time for the big culmination.
Though at the same time there isn't really as much a plot to this Love Live The original and Sunshine at least had the plot device of trying to save their school. There's no hanging threat like that in this one. Maybe they can do some actual broad plot stuff if they can get a second season approved.
That said though this is still an adaptation of a mobage, opposed to the anime-original plots of the first two. So they're limited by being at least in some way faithful to the mobage when making the show.
I guess the people who've read the LNs I saw talking about this adaptation were correct. The big exciting moment of their romantic development happens way too far into the LNs to get to in a single season. Maybe they could've reached it if they compressed or cut stuff out. But I kinda liked how they took it slow. It was a comfy series.
Yeah, I don't feel that a slow long series like this is very well suited to a 12 episode anime. Maybe it will get more.
Ah okay the pun was intentional hah hah Shimamura's line was "I'll be looking at the {Sakura} whether I want to or not" And then said "Until then I'll keep looking at this {Sakura} Sakura being Adachi's given name.