You gotta wonder if Shigure's attraction to Akito is entirely the Zodiac curse Or if he likes her independent of that But either way when you've got the psychic compulsion to love someone for like twenty years straight Can you really love someone completely separate of that?
I'm pretty sure these ED illustrations are by the original mangaka Ever since the original manga serialization she's really improved her artstyle It's a big improvement from this.
Yeah, that was aggressive paced I'll look forward to this next week.
But see? Now our protagonist is the boy!
This is a very Utada Hikaru-y sounding song
Oh because it is her, hah hah
I wonder if the rest of the series will move as fast as it did here Because I'll be quickly left in the dark as to what happens if it does I only read, hm, I can't remember how many chapters But it wasn't too much. It was back when it was first starting its serialization.
If I'd known it was gonna cover up to the point it did, I probably would've encouraged watching something comfier like Fruits or Dragon a bit harder It was definitely a good episode but it did hit that emotional point pretty hard
>>936952 A webcrawler dedicated to finding aand reporting cp was uploading cp to saucenao and iqdb by repeatedly clicking on the find source links on cp on imageboards and then would find the cp (that they caused to be uploaded) on iqdb and saucenao.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why does clickin a link cause it to be like uploaded wouldn't they take the image temporarily and then delete it after
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kinda weird to blame a crawler when your site is programmed to do that tbh i don't really understand the issue
Six years ago today, Saku died. Please pay your respects here.
3 replies omitted.Ericanon !DNap/ivuwU
I could never meet him, but he sounds like a wonderful person. Rest in peace, Saku.
Six years now, eh There's a weird feeling knowing someone's memory for twice as long as you knew them alive It's been a lot since you passed. Wish you'd've been here to see it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Wow, six years. Rest in peace Saku. I wish I could have gotten to know you better.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Six years is a long time and yet it feels like no time at all
I wonder if this is set in the past, that seems cheap for gas. I am sure it doesn't hold a lot of gas, but it still seems cheap.
It might not be that far in the past, it does seem like it's an older bike Oh more so the Super Cub's been in production since 1958 so it's hard to pin down Maybe it's a model from around 2010? Well whatever
>>935201 Gas is pretty pricey in Japan too, it's one of the ways car use is discouraged when combined with the high saturation of public transit infrastructure
>>935202 yeah maybe the show is set in the 80s or something
I don't think it's that far back I'd say it's probably in the mid-10s It's just hard to pin since the MC is poor so she doesn't have anything to gauge the year