atleast i found the breach will have to see if i can plug it after the mice are caught or domething whoever made this kitchen deserves a cactus fisting
>>748220 shig's always popular eh >>748221 well they're really afraid of the loli crowd so it doesn't surprise me
>>748230 afraid of losing the loli crowd you mean?
not afraid to dabble in the loli crowd words are hard but yeah that too
late but wishing you well sometimes these things just slip on by you know happy birthday my closest friend almost exactly two weeks later I'll bring the noise for you next time brother
Yeah, but at the same time, it's also kind of genius. If you can mess with technological progression like Maou has and bring modern spa baths into a medieval world like this one, you're bringing in an establishment that no one else in the world can dream of competing with.
Yeah, he's had encounters with three of the candidate girls. Though I guess he had a partial one with Sempai too. She was kind of just an accessory to the Yuika bit though.
Oh gosh.
Aaaaaaaahhhh For how stupid the mystery of this Cinderella is man they do a good job of getting me engaged in it. I want to know who his Cinderella is! Though I've got an idea in mind for what went on. I'd like to see how close or off I am though.