thanks for anmie sorry for sleeping through the last bit
we're almost low on slows
Yeah, we've almost worked through the show build up. I did say at the start of the night we could've probably done four tonight, hah hah.
Though the weekend's coming up so we'll be getting the usual deluge of stuff. We might be pretty close to on top of everything by the end of next week though.
But yeah, thanks for anime. Enjoy your weekend if I don't see you around.
Coming from Japan, Yuna's probably pretty comfortable walking around a big city like this. Though I guess she seemed like a bit of a hikikomori back in Japan.
Oh she found herself some potatoes now too. Another invaluable cooking ingredient! And cheese too! Looks like she's gonna be making some more good food again soon.
Hambaaguu Hambaagaa
I guess if she ever gets bored of adventuring then cooking might be a good second career in this world.
Oh yeah when they said earlier that a lot of monsters had been showing up in -up near the capital I figured something was a foot. Looks like someone's intentionally gathering them up.
sorry I drifted off a few times tonight only got 4 hours of sleep last night
Same here! It's pretty normal these days for me to get somewhere around 3-4.5 hours of sleep a night. At this point I think my brain's just wired to take it and run with it as best it can.
Disappointing! I mean it's probably for the best since as far as we've seen from the chapters from Shimamura's point of view she doesn't feel the same way about Adachi and going nuclear would've been a disaster But still disappointing!
Some times you just want to see the world burn! Even on Christmas!
thanks for anime I'm going to turn on my electric blanket and try to get comfy too
It's not quite too cold in this condo to not sleep comfortably. I'm hoping I can find a place I can get some proper comfy duvet and bed before too long though. Sleeping on a pull-out couch suuuucks.
Gacha players hear odds like "0.0000034%" and go "yeah, I like my odds with that".
He's being an absolute nerd with all these equations and science knowledge he's dropping but still manages to stick the charming landing. This series is always very satisfying to watch but there's definitely a part of me that's positively envious hah hah.