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ill take one thread 2 go thanks
958 replies omitted.
hell yeah time to accept absurdity
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/10/16 (水) 10:14 No. 759020
kirara hallesena is wearing clothes wtf
i saw, she looks good
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2019/10/16 (水) 10:18 No. 759022
>>759021 I got lich with free roll
>>759023 >>759023 >>759023
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109 replies omitted.
Oh she's the one that's going to think he's into Glasses.
It must be rough having a crush on such a baka.
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okay, thanks for anime! see you
Yup yup, good night.
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179 replies omitted.
She's got a cute style.
Alas, our night has come to an end.
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yep, good night of anime thanks for anime good night
thanks for anime good night
Yup yup. Good night you two.
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155 replies omitted.
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my nights are a little shaky lately so i may or may not show up on any given night don't put too much emphasis on me being here this week or not but i'll try to show
Thanks for trying. I hope you can find some kind of levelness. I know that's hard without medication but I still hope it's attainable.
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i just dont wanna lose my shit and cause any problems for my friends so i have to contain myself sometimes
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new thread, use your head
736 replies omitted.
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or these
Hm, dried meat like a jerky would be kind of nice, yeah. Too bad it's kind of stupid-expensive 'round here. Guess it's worth seeing if there's any on sale.
god damnitif i had bought milk and butter i could have made salt sticks today
>>756572 same aside this one brand that sells tgem 2€ a bag
>>756575 >>756575 >>756575
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I guess that's the tric k I wonder why they chose nanomachines as the mcguffin
Ah there's another title drop.
Hah hah hah About what was expected. This was really cute. They've done a really good job animating the characters.
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yep, that was a nice one thanks for anime
The new stuff we checked out was pretty fun overall. Arigato you.
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Yeah, the big end.
I'm kind of a big sucker for this grand chorus songs. There's just something about people getting together to sing that just puts me in a good feeling.
>Will be continued... >...In your mind Wow don't tease.
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Nice end okay thanks for anime see you
Yeah that was a pretty feel-good conclusion. How nice. Night night, take it easy.
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Ignite your passion, /moe/! It's time to face the day!
735 replies omitted.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
2019/10/09 (水) 00:38 No. 755483
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i think it might be two here is an earlier shot
or even three
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Too bad Saku isn't around for stuff like this. This was a really good OVA. It really felt like old times!
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
2019/10/09 (水) 00:50 No. 755486
>>755487 >>755487 >>755487
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Ain't nothin' Gay about bros 'mirin bros