You gotta start somewhere! Travelling is a real snake-bite-y experience Once you start it's hard to resist that urge But it's easy to imagine you're not into it if you haven't ever really travelled
She's got a real dopey look on her face when she gets happy It's cute but also super dopey
Most guys are suuuuuuuper cautious around young girls. His reaction isn't that weird.
i mean, i definitely wouldn't have put myself in this situation even offering a place to stay is outside my capabilities, i think i think what would have been difficult is to be approached and touched like that though that's when things get way more difficult, and the brain starts to lose out i think i'm pretty strong-willed in my convictions, so i'm mostly sure i could trust myself but not as powerfully as he did, or as tactfully definitely not as tactfully i probably would have been much more rude
I have no convictions! It's also much harder on me when someone is pushing what they want on me As long as it's not beyond my comfort or capabilities, it's hard for me to turn down something like that.
you guys should watch bishounen without me so you can tell me if it's good i'll need convincing in order to watch a show with 5 boys wearing betelgeuse pants
I'll see if I can encourage Rika to give it a spin Otherwise I'll probably just watch it myself.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's shinbo so you should watch it
not even shinbo can justify their clothing choices
well, feel free to hang about and see what the board is all about although we all usually hang out in the main thread, which is the most active thread, besides the anime threads, which are threads dedicated to watching seasonal anime
for instance >>936956 or is the current one, although it's almost reached 700 replies and therefore a new thread will be created and linked for everyone to post in pretty much like a 4chan or /vg/ general if you've browsed those, but obvious culture differences
They've been doing a bit of a mirroring thing so far I wonder if it's intentional Like episode one had them playing the same metal club they did in the first season's episode one And then episode two of the first season was a similar slightly Saki-focused episode that culminated in the rap battle Where here we get to see how close friends she and Sakura have become
i do like it when a season 2 follows the same patterns it's nice when they start out like that
Well I hope they break from it a bit There's a few girls that didn't get a whole lot of focus in the first season Like Yugiri, the courtesan one, was basically as undeveloped by the end of the first season as she was at the start of it I'd like to see them get back to them