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Love Marsh.
very nice Marsh very high quality
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/12/25 (水) 09:12 No. 785058
thanks i worked really hard
merry christmas Marsh thanks for th e card
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anime' sorry for late
114 replies omitted.
Man it's past four. Been a long while since we ran this late into the morning for anime.
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Yep, thanks for anime! We went quite late.
Yeah, thanks. If I don't see you over the next couple days, Merry Christmas. Enjoy the holidays.
anime sucks lol
happy holidays whokun
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jingle padoru
728 replies omitted.
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prove him wrong protip you can't
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>>785328 >>785329 Do either of you want to play mahjong rn. I feel like hosting a friendly
Sorry I was about to head to bed. It's way late over here!
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From a certain point of view, it's actually very early! Alright good night
>>785340 >>785340 >>785340
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People still don't trust Hikari!
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SHe was singing a creepy song after all
This sensei of theirs sure is problematic. Hah hah yeah it's funny to see the show kinda acknowledge it. Hikari's chest weirdly disappears once she puts any clothes on.
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Yeah, you couldn't actually hide that that well okay thanks for anime, good night
Yup yup, thanks. I'd say good luck with the week but if I remember you're on a bit of a holiday. So enjoy that!
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782 replies omitted.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan 2019/12/23 (月) 20:05 No. 784478
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>>784468 i legit thought I'd lost track of the date for a moment
Time keeps on slippin' Slippin'
Man it's a balmy 9C here today. Not exactly the weather you'd expect two days before Christmas 'round here.
Samu 🔩 !KW2DbpWwls
2019/12/23 (月) 20:35 No. 784481
>>784480 yeah it's been super nice out i been soaking up some precious cancer giving rays
>>784482 >>784482 >>784482
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68 replies omitted.
Yeah I was thinking that too. But even if she hasn't got a great concept on money, she's still probably pretty poor at the moment. She's sold a lot of good stuff to Benno and other people but she hasn't really made a lot of money yet. So even with a bad grasp on money I was assuming she still wouldn't be able to pool the amounts to make a sizable donation. Which is what's got me a little confused.
I guess this show's thirteen episodes for the season. That'll let it close up the arriving arc and learning the world arc in in this season. And then they can do some more elaborate stuff in the second season.>>783521 Well she did kind of meet him this episode. He's the one that did her finger prick. But yeah I bet she'll be assigned to his wing of the cathedral or something or be put under his tutelage.
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I guess she'll get books in her hands before the end. I bet she meets that priest from ep 1 next episode
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should be good okay good night, thanks for anime
Yup yup. Enjoy your weekend!
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93 replies omitted.
Kids really are exhausting, geez.
Wow this lady. I guess people are thinking up modern innovations every day.
This is some real intense music. I guess the next episode might be the finale though so it's a good climax.
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thanks for anime! see you tomorrow
Yup yup Take it easy
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just checking i will love /moe/s in amy case
love you too
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This is some intense spaghetti.
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Taichi out of energy
Imagine playing some intensive games of Karuta and then grabbing the first train you can get from Tokyo to Kyoto Him crashing like that is pretty sympathetic.
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since you have to lean forward at attention it's probably exhausting speaking of exhausting thanks for anime sleep time
Wow naisu segue. Night night. Thanks for anime.
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104 replies omitted.
Okey dokes. Good luck with stuff Moon don't lose KIBOU
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ks for a er thanks for anime good luck moon
>>782520 Uh do you still have time for a fifth? We could do Chihayafuru to close off the night.
I probably took too long to parse that you were closing for the night period eh.
Yuasa Masaaki and his kinda new personal studio have Oh this isn't the thread I wanted