It was a very fun series And never really wavered from being about that This author really gets how to make a bunch of absolute asshole and degenerate characters and have them play off each other
i would say it's about as good as konosuba was i probably like konosuba just a slight bit more but that could change if this show ends up getting another season down the line
Yeah Always kinda sucks to reach the end of a season and get all the endings But the endings are also always fun to watch too Part of the story is the ending, after all
we should go camping some time it's great! i didnt camp at all last year but the best camping experience ive ever had was with jan i wanted to do winter camping last year in december in washington but covid fucked that all up
Give me another couple weeks and I'll be eligible for my second vaccine dose
I want to live under a mountain in geneva or somewhere like that. >>955546 the pictures from when I think you went camping and up the hills were really nice.
These two girls end up looking pretty kakoii with their bikes and jackets Sure at least with the MC it isn't much more powerful than a scooter, but they do kinda have delinquent vibes going on with the aesthetic It must be a fun way to enjoy your teenage years
Yeah I've been kind of wanting a bike or something An actual motorbike is a bit out of consideration since I don't have a license Even a bike like her Cub would probably require me having my motorcycle license But I might be able to get an electric scooter which would handle similarly and go at probably similar speeds, that wouldn't require a license here It's something I've really been thinking a lot about.
What I really liked about that bit there is Emilico's seiyuu did a really good job at differentiating between "her" personality and the one that's kind of been inserted in by the brainwashing If you go back and listen, there's this almost robotic way she happily talks about cleaning, and then afterwards when she talks about the faulty dolls being of no use But in between those two lines, there's one where she says she feels sad about Rum and it's much more in the usual tone she has