what was the reveal? my graphics card borked out at the part where senpai showed back up at about two thirds through it took a while to restart so i didn't bring it back up
Right in like the last two minutes of the show, post-credits, the MC spooks his sister and makes her toss her phone up, catches it, and finds a whole bunch of exhibitionist photos she's been taking of herself. It was just funny to me because I'd been talking throughout the episode on how compared ot -to the other girls the imouto didn't really have anything weird, and then this gets dropped literally right at the end.
ah so i was right i predicted his imouto would be the exhibitionist at like episode 3
Though I should say I was also expecting she'd have something; it would just be weird for her to not. And exhibitionism was kind of the only one that made sense. She'd not really gone after the good moments to be the yandere earlier in the episode and like I said, being the hard bro-con doesn't really make sense anymore now that they're not blood-related. But it was still kind of a blindside reveal hah hah
Well's Moon's probably wasn't disliking it but it was just striking a bit too close to home. And that can be an uncomfortable feeling at times. Moon's problem even, gosh. From the sound of it Moon was really enjoying it but just couldn't handle how it felt.
I don't think too many people watched it though, I guess the initial premise was a bit weird. A bit of a shame, really. More people need to watch good shows.
Well I think that's all for tonight. Thanks for anime. And thanks for going along with my selfishness.
wow link’s awakening is a short game when you don’t have to menu constantly
Yeah, I think a lot of people don't realize those older 2D Zelda games aren't really all that long in playtime. They felt longer when we were kids because kids are bad at video games and because every thing feels longer as a kid.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
>>750253 what a cluster >>750276 yea i never finished the game as a kid i spent a lot of time in town mowing the lawn in various patterns, digging up the entire beach, and being super afraid of going into the swamp i feel like i probably eventually did like 6/8 dungeons
Kind of weird to me that somebody can make it to an upper level Philosophy course without having encountered the concept of essence and existence being separate things.
that episode reminds me a lot of jan i think he feels that way a lot it just gets me a little bit heavy hearted
Love and affection are complicated things some times. There's emotions that are some times hard to properly express, or get tainted by fear and worry. Or are some times so intense you can drown in them. Being human ain't easy.
THat does kinda remind me how does time in the real world work while they're in here?
They haven't really established how it would, hah hah. Wise and Medhi's mothers have logged out after getting beat but as far as we know the main party's been here the whole time. Considering how they kind of hand-waved them into the game in the first place it's probably not something they've put any thought into.
Wise really is only ever around to get bullied. I wonder if the author has some kind of bone to pick with mage characters in MMOs.
>>749163 I kinda wish majsoul didn't carry over the fourth place is death system from Tenhou It tips the scales way too far towards defence
>>749160 You were, what, 32k points behind everyone else in that tournament? Aggressive play is totally warranted there It'd be stupid not to push since you'll lose even if you don't deal in
>>749162 Well yeah, and -yeah, but this is a dialogue Moon and I have kind of been carrying on for a while now. It springs up every now and then. So there's a good bit more compacted there than just Moon's single remark! I'm also comfortable enough around Moon that I feel I can be a little snippy and impolite if I'm feeling annoyed. If my remark had really gotten Moon bothered I feel I could have stepped it back afterwards. But I don't think that was likely going to happen.
>>749161 there was a lot of stuff so i dunno if you saw it, but yeah i was saying how defense and aggression are kind of one in the same, or two sides of the dice they enable each other and complement, so if you practice being more defensive, you get better execution on your aggression too imo probably tabun
Ahhhh the frizziness and headache I had from overheating and dehydrating myself is finally receding. It's nice to have proper cognizance again.