She's just hot-blooded in the heat of the game! You've got to be serious to win a competitive match-up!
Well we'll at least have Moon tomorrow. Jan might fall deep into the FFXIV rabbit hole but maybe we'll be lucky there.
Not that there'll be anything new so it'll just be what's on that list, hah hah. All the more reason to make sure Jan is around. I'll try and get him sold on that line of thought.
yeah fall is going to be really exciting there's a bunch of cool stuff i can't wait
If we're not meeting for anime tomorrow and Saturday we'll have a full night of shows by Sunday. The week will be kind of spotted with only a couple shows each night so there might be a night for movies. Heaven's Feel part one might be a good option for that but it might be good to have one or two other options available. I don't really know what movies have gotten fansub releases recently though; I'm gonna have to look into that.
I've got a couple titles in mind but I don't know about sub releases.
Oh, they're the guys publishing that Juliet manga about the rival schools, too. Plus one of my favorite manga and anime, Seitokai Yakuindomo. Guess they're the mainstream alternative to Shonen Jump or something.
They've also got the mangaka of Soul Eater's current manga about firefighters that is getting an anime next season too.
>>705705 Oh gosh, I watched the PV and it looks super good. I really loved the characters in her other works. Even though the ending of Soul Eater was kind of a letdown, the ride was more than worth it. Looks like Fire Force has an angery Maka in it too, so that's yet more points in favor.