I'll grab that movie sometime so we can have a shot at doing it on another slow night.
There'll be a lot of them in the first few weeks of January I think. Also maybe Kirara might be interested in watching it so maybe I can get him to get it. Well it might be a bit of a download for hotel Internet. I'll see. But that might be fun if it works out.
Would you two be against saving this for Jan as well? I know he's really enjoyed it.
There's also pretty much nothing airing in the next five days except for some OVA stuff.
And there's also some movies we could maybe get into over that time. Like the KyoAni Hibike movie I mentioned a few weeks back. And maybe something like the first Heaven's Feel movie.
Fine I'm breaking my vow to shut up >>623612 It would be late for me, but we could figu // figure something out. My point is if it's better to do it earlier for you all, then do it. I can make do with what I can get.
There'll probably be plenty of more or less filler shows that I'm sure you wouldn't be heartbroken over missing anyway.
Honestly barring me getting an absurd start time next semester like classes at 08:00 I can work with the current start time. Especially if we could strive to get started a bit closer to 00:00 rather than 00:30-40. But I'm guessing you're also getting a bit of a short stick with sleep too Rika, or some other time crunch.