Akito being an absolutely tempermental piece of shit as usual. Can't even go a single dinner without lashing out at Yuki just because Yuki is showing just a bit of independence.
Hah hah hah >Don't become like your brother >You called?
Oh it's New Years in the series. I hadn't quite clicked it was the actual night.
Aw I was kinda hoping Sempai's guy friend would mirror Ami ogling Uzaki's SUGOI DEKAI with Sempai.
I can see why Tottori is a popular tourist destination, even if it's got a focus on couple stuff. It has some pretty scenic locations.
Though this episode was a bit weird. I wonder if the anime had like an agreement with Tottori's city government to do a fanservice episode for sponsorship. I know there's a couple anime that have done similar stuff in the past.
Guess when you're out in the relative boonies of Japan there aren't that many hobbies to pick up though. And considering her other hobby seems to be drinking, it's probably good to have a productive one like that.
It's a weird one I don't know any trappers okay thanks for anime i will sleep now
Hunting's probably way bigger in the States. I dunno what Japan's policy on civilian gun ownership is so it's probably easier to do trapping rather than hunting.