It all went well untill that Ukrainian idiot decide to try to jump to EU and Nato... He should've known what would happen.
should have known better than to exist next to Russia Doesnt matter how tired cold war rehashes sound, there's not only tension but an express lack of desire to prove it wrong
>>42956 Comparison here, is if Mexico suddenly said "I will join a russian lead coalition and russian lead economic block" You think USA would just let that happen without objecting and add to that, if also that deal included handing over Panaman channel to that coalition too
>>42953 His spokesperson said that the question was about him speaking to Russia as a part of the Trump campaign, not his role as Senator. Unlike Flynn, Sessions was a part of the government when he did it so he doesn't have the same vulnerability there. So it's turned into a big argument about semantics and whether he lied under oath.
When we hung out, you didn't trigger any schizophrenia flags with me, but I guess it can cycle in some people.
This guy's profile shows that he's having some problems doing his work, but he told me in the interview that he doesn't have any problems or concerns about anything. He's like, super duper fucking paranoid, though. I'm surprised he even agreed to meet with me. But there's no indication of him faking psychopathology. In fact, he was pretending to be less crazy than he is And he tried excessively to make himself look like a good person
It can depend on the type of crazy, but it's kind of consistent with paranoia.
It means he denied extremely common social faults, like, claiming he's never thought about stealing anything Or he's never done anything to get in trouble
>>41998 I'm quite certain I dont have schizophrenia, but I think that may have just been the manifestation it took for my dad I've got probably some kind of thought disorder
This is what I usually see the dismissers throwing around "gang violence" and "it happens everywhere"
I don't think grenades are the usual armaments of gangs in countries... And the "happens everywhere"
No it doesn't Gang violence happens at some level, but not with guns and grenades and molotovs and just 10 to 20 years ago it didn't happen practically at all in Sweden. But oh well
Gang crime is for winners, son. And you're certainly no winner!
Oh my god what the fuck oh my god it's all love. Sometimes we do it for the kids, other times we gotta do it for us. Somebody always wanna tell you you ain't doin' enough But if you listen to everybody you'll be lookin' all crazy and fucked up
Okay everyone is stupid, everyone is dumb shout outs to the moon, shout outs to the sun Peace to the ocean and shit - Pacific, specifically But it's all the same ocean, literally.
Dog I'm greased up, haters can't stick to me, sticky green leaves, pussy smell like victory. See me sittin' on the dock - hickory. Never fuck around with fuckery or dickery.
Shout out to Amaze 88. My grace slicker than Jefferson's Airplane - starship - whatever mane. Stick with what's in front of me until I see a better plan, See me on Conan, next time Letterman, If not - like I said. "Whatever man."
>Shimada and the last boss are the same age So this is what a life of stress does to the body.
Oh Sugita is in Kyoto too.
I don't want Shimada to go four straight losses and fail the set. But I don't think the show's got enough juice in it to fit a full best of seven in it.
Maybe he'll get on win in as a chip on the last boss' armor.