Yeah, I'm a little concerned about our ability to knock out some of the extreme stragglers, like toji no miko. It may be a challenge if the new season starts right away.
Well the only real two of issue are Grancrest and Toji no Miko. Grancrest is two-cour so procrastinating on it won't just get filled by a new show that would be airing in its timeslot, if you get what I'm getting at here.
>>446866 yeah i've noticed my left hand has become my dominant typing hand despite normally being right-handed i think keyboards and gaming have made us an ambidextrous generation i can't mouse with my left hand too well, but i also can't do as much precision typing on my right hand i use my left hand for everything up to H and Y on the keyboard, pretty much
>>446869 I've been left-handed since my handiness developed, so it's hard for me to say for certain. There's certain things I struggle with in ambidextrousness but I can generally function one-handed on a computer with either hand. What's funny for me is the realization that unconsciously, I use the right-shift for capitalization and when I'm typing stuff out. But for macros like cut, copy, pretty much every one except the most right-oriented macros like paste, I'm using left-shift. Actually I guess that's the Ctrl key and not shift but really the distance difference is negligible.
>>445748 I'd totally do that to my sister if she could somehow persuade me to even give her some of my precious alcohol in the first place.
>>445747 Yeah, i really like the way they do it. It gives it an interesting style that doesn't show up in many shows.
Ara ara
I wish the translations for the little infoblurbs that run during the credits were set a little cleaner and easier to read.
they really take up too much space you can't see the art at all
And the sentences jump down lines so haphazardly it actually makes it harder to read properly. Should've just had them pop up on the top of the screen or something.