really though im just rambling on my current train of thought at the moment im sure i'm ignoring a bunch of how i normally feel about it that just doesn't fit with my current mood so im not thinking about it i do like to stay grounded though for that very reason, so i always have a firm anchor to trace my way back to
I guess I've got a bit of a two-pronged approach to my narrative immersion. Narratives being both believable and entertaining. A lot of dull narration can keep me immersed because it's something that I can't go "There's no way that's true" to even if the way it's presented is dumb or structurally tenuous. And honestly a LOT of anime falls into this space because while it's easy to establish a sufficiently reasonable premise it can be hard to present it in an engaging way.
A decent amount of course do fall into the only entertainingly immersive party because some times it's fine to throw reason away and just have fun. The best shows are ones that can do both for me and those are usually the ones I talk about and recommend to people.
>>817931 Before watching I was planning on giving her to like 02:10 before I went off and just laid down for the night. Not that I'm on a tight schedule or anything it was just a number I picked to have one.
Either way I took some melatonin around 02:00 so I'm definitely on the woozy train right now. Even putting together these thoughts is getting a bit funny.
yeah, totally fine to disregard natural reason for your show, as long as there's reasoning and consistency within the reference frame you set the show in you can make some simple, shallow rules to operate within and craft a really compelling and immersive narrative that's not at all realistic but a lot of times it gets screwed up when people try to introduce natural reason to their reference frame and it no longer fits, so now it's inconsistent and my immersion is broken
anyway, this project im working on is absolutely frustrating me anyway and i can tell so i need to go get it done and over with or whatever
that sounds good, have a good night
Mhm, good luck with your work. Catch you tomorrow.
I wonder if they'll get back to Suzu and her confession to onee-chan. I guess I'm cynical it'll be full gay since this is a Kirara Time serialization and they always cut short before full gay. But at least some closure will be nice.
i think i can commiserate with that i hope you find something good for you
Well if it's any comfort, know that you're amongst a lot of people here that are looking for something similar. I don't buy too much into "Misery loves company" but it rings a bit true some times.
That was a good episode. thanks for anime! We get to watch another one soon.
It'll be out for tomorrow so pretty much whenever we want to. There's still also a few really good things left unwatched too. Eizouken, Koisuru, Kyokou.
>>814642 yeah, we just need to see a sample slice of their adventures and their story for something like this we don't need the hero's journey with a climactic resolution cleanly tidying everything up
Well within the narrative they are on a timer. Otou-san only has less than a year left before whatever internal clock is telling him he'll cease functioning hits zero. I dunno if the writing has been keeping a particularly accurate track of the time passing, but it feels like even within the arcs we've seen, there's been a decent amount of time since the first one and where we are now. It's only so long before they have to reckon with his ever-shrinking lifespan.
Not that it's a concern for the anime and I don't know how ahead the manga is comparatively.
But if the author wants to commit to the seriousness of the deadline they wrote into the story's premise, they can't just keep fitting an undertermined number of adventure arcs into the story.