Not synched.
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my thread my rules
rule #1
take responsibility
1087 replies omitted.
Never heard of it
Search [iqdb] (189 KB, 700x848)
My leg still hurts.
I guess I made it mad by moving it too much last wekk.
I'll have to make up for it by moving very little next week.
What'd you do?
new >>338610
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Looking for a good owner.
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i will volunteer to own this
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11 replies omitted.
that works for me
i get out at like 7pm tomorrow
if there's no rush for tonight i could watch the one episode to be caught up
i'm gonna be up for a couple hours probably maybe
Search [iqdb] (990 KB, 900x900)
We can just do it tomorrow.
I may go to sleep soon. I'm still drained from having to work so hard this week.
oh no i just remembered that Troyboi is tomorrow night
but i probably won't go if my friend flakes on me
i hate to say that's the more likely case
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Tenko on frontpage
784 replies omitted.
coppellion but with guys
Coppelion was art
also shoujoapo is in wh40k
well to be precise wh25-30k
Search [iqdb] (381 KB, 1000x1100)
69 replies omitted.
>I'm glad you gave me your first
Some times I wonder if this is all intentional.
That was a really good episode.
This show delivers really consistently good content.
thank you
You're welcome.
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 586x657)
thanks for anime!
that show is comfy
dangerously comfy
Search [iqdb] (1010 KB, 500x274)
53 replies omitted.
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Geez, did everything end with a cliffhanger tonight?
this arc is a little boring kinda
i think so
Three shounen-oriented shows.
Well Juuni Taisen might be a bit seinen I'm not quite sure where it falls.
Shouldn't be that surprising.
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 1280x720)
well thanks for anime!
Search [iqdb] (2.2 MB, 1610x906)
872 replies omitted.
One of these weekends I'll marathon it.
I keep putting it off because I'm lazy.
Search [iqdb] (17 KB, 384x384)
I mean, I put it off until now, so
I have SO much shit on the backburner
I am asquare
I am a skance.
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Search [iqdb] (21 KB, 385x294)
77 replies omitted.
I agree with what Rika said a few weeks back, it's the sort of thing only an otaku could come up with.
I find it refreshingly strange though.
Speaking of Rika I guess she died or had a phonecall mid-episode or something.
RIP in peaces.
Well thanks for anime.
Search [iqdb] (658 KB, 1000x708)
245 replies omitted.
Thanks for anime
Search [iqdb] (337 KB, 1280x720)
it's only $3 for 2
and they get you fucked up real good
I really like how the ED gets lead into.
It's a little melancholic and kind of carries the kind of sad notes a lot of the episodes end on.
Search [iqdb] (367 KB, 1280x720)
that's the other positive yes