Poor Tada. The people he cares about leave him so suddenly.
most of the characters are pretty good i dont think ih ate anyone but i also dont really really like any of htem
I rarely, rarely ever "really really like" an anime character. Or a character in general I guess. The fact that they're all pleasant is good enough for me.
>>520392 are you from kingdom hearts cause you're heartless!!!!
Har har har. I have a heart. I just alsot don't blur the line between fiction and reality!
Well we all know there's no other side It's good and evil I know right between, there's no borderline This is the punishment divine
Surrounded by night, I've been offered insight There is none but the sin of pride Am I wrong am I right? Am I losing my sight? Abandoning the superior mind
867 replies omitted.TN !PcAPtAiNJo
amusing how zola is portrayed as "has slight conscience" in this movie but in winter soldier he is all "I am 100% hydra"
It's impressive how enduring some complaints of people have barely changed over thousands of years. Like how even in the Classical Greek culture, you had people complaining how the younger generation was too out of control or in contrast to the previous generations morals.
he conducts it the same as everyone else he's done the same things as obama, bush, etc, except trump doesn't know how to do it, so it looks superficially different the only actual difference is that trump has no goals for foreign policy, he just loves whoever complimented him last and does what they ask him to do