it really reminded me of castlevania 3 which was one of my favorite games for the PSP shaped handheld emulator >>525352 it's gonna kind of suck to go back to 3DS engine after World but there is just so much more content in dos equis world's endgame is shallow as a puddle after overnight rain
the combat was better than generations though but not by a whole lot really you just lose one or two cool new attacks on each weapon in favor of styles which are all kind of cool and all extremely broken
>>525352 Breath of the Wild was a good game, I should finish exploring it sometime. I already got pretty much every item though I'm just missing like korok seeds and a handful of shrines somewhere out there.
My only complaint is how easy it is and how few unique bosses there are.
>>525355 The desert is pretty cool but you'll be sailing through a lot of it on this... thing i forgot what kind of animal it is
Lost woods, you need a torch, for one. If you're observant you can figure out where to go after you get a torch. >>525356 Oh I can't read At one point I thought I might try 100% but then I looked up how many collectibles were in the game and decided fuck that
When I left off I hadn't even breached the Gerudo Desert. I hadn't really explored much of Hyrule Castle or figured out how to get to the heart of the Lost Woods either.
Oh since picking the game back up I did a bit more of all three of those things. Freed all the Divine Beasts, finished finding all of the memories, got the Master Sword, the whole shebang. I think technically I'm set to face Ganondork "properly" by the game's terms now. But I'm gonna try and get as much of the side content that's feasibly accomplishable first. Don't think I'll gun for 100% shrine completion but maybe try out the side quests.
Shrine hunting is maybe manageable, there's "only" like 120 without the DLC I think. If you go into every shrine you find just aimlessly wandering about you'll probably have like sixty or seventy of them by the time you finish the main quest objectives. Finding every Korok seed even with the DLC mask that notifies you when you're near a Korok seems absurd all the same though. I think there's something like eight hundred of them.
He's a total gentleman. >>523762 I get the feeling he might take agency like that before the show's over, yeah. But even if he calls it off, Teresa can't exactly abdicate the throne. And as long as she's the heir apparent, she can't exactly be marrying some gaijin peasantry. This isn't the UK after all.
I thought you Americans loved your vets though why are so many homeless
Kirara 🚗
we love them but that doesn't mean we want to provide care for them
i think i'd probably be healthier and happier homeless in california than homed here, im starting to think you get so much exercise when you're homeless and gotta work so hard life feels more fulfilling imo
>>522793 This is the same animation studio that did Marchen last season. When you look at the sheer quality between that show and this one, they really don't much in the way of reliability. They also rarely do full-length animation projects, which if I'm going to speculate, might mean they aren't necessarily equipped with the staff to animate that much footage. That said, they were the ones that did Drifters ... kind of, back in 2016, so who knows.
oh its the same studio that show was an absolute disaster
In the best kind of way. There's a certain magic to seeing a show 's animation go critical like that.