>>406731 if there is no system no one guarantees any livelihood for anyone and might makes right will eventually form up into a "new system" basically new feudalism and if communism is no systems anywhere to guarantee that no one is trampled ever what prevents someone from becoming that something that tramples someone? and so on and if you need to enforce that people are equal and make sure that they stay equal that requires systemising organising and so on meaning STATE of some sort that will mean that you will form into a form that oppresses SOME to enforce that everyone else is equal and everyone who is not equal well they get removed/forced to be equal
But that isn't here or there what is here is do you think MCfeast tastes good or not?
I guess she was more of a hikki than a NEET since she was studying for college. I don't think that qualifies for full fledged NEEThood.
She got cured really quickly too.
>>404618 I think it's at best a temporary state of NEEThood. I think it's more of a semi-NEET. You can't really proudly proclaim to be a NEET until you've dedicated yourself to the lifestyle.