Probably amping up to the big finish for this war with Tsukasa We'll get to see how good Senku is at thinking on his feet without the materials he brought along.
Sure ya doofus, just shout out the plan while Tsukasa is right there and armed
Real chemistry, especially with components that aren't particularly volatile and don't have external factors like added heat, generally isn't an instantaneous thing Senku waiting on it to just process is probably a real longshot
Soap sure is nice to have
Pft The real laidback way he reacted to her stealing his spare was good
Yeah when he remarked on the glycerin in soap I figured he'd be making some kind of nitroglycerin
Actually I think it was dynamos But close enough Senku
He's gonna bargain with Tsukasa on the one thing Senku can even try to promise Though I dunno if Senku has it in him to cure a serious medical problem that's left someone comatose. But maybe he can promise to find a doctor that can.
Oh right I forgot about the healing the petrification did for Senku That feels a bit like a long shot for something liike a serious brain malfunction like what his imouto seems to have.
This isn't the kind of series that would betray a promise it makes like that, I don't think. It's too much of a hopeful tone to kick us around in that fashion
Really after all the ferocity Tsukasa showed the fact that he just folded the moment Senku gave even the promise of a slight chance at saving his imouto feels a bit like a weakening of the character. Nothing Senku told Tsukasa were things Tsukasa didn't already know, or at least could infer from the fact that Senku was totally fine after getting his neck snapped. Like Tsukasa's not a stupid kid, by all means we've seen him be even exceptionally smart for a high school student, just not, y'know, Senku-smart
Some particularly thorough fans were doing some snooping through the Japanese TV guides and discovered something interesting Apparently the timeslot Higurashi airs in has the slot reserved for Higurashi episodes well into April Meaning this show might go as high as episode thirty, instead of the usual 24/5 episodes a two-cour show runs
I always thought Rika was kind of the cleverest, but this has kinda changed that dynamic a lot.
Oh wow I always thought it was Bern/Rika who named Featherine
Ah yeah okay we just get an interim name instead Eua at the least is shorter to write.
>>926336 Even in the original Higurashi, Rika had kind of become somewhat passive by the time we reach the loops that make up the arc of Higurashi. Plus Satoko was definitely the games club's biggest trickster With the motivation she has to defeat Rika, this definitely fits into my image of Satoko from the original.
Definitely a bit hard to feel sorry for Teppei, all things considering Man's a thoroughly vile person
Weird to see him get him in a crucial episode like this.
I think we're seeing either a similar fragment to or
the prologue of the fragment where he returned to Hinamizawa that we saw earlier in Gou And it turns out he wasn't being awful to Satoko, she just used the whole thing as a piece to game with Rika
That or we see some bizarro situation where he's actually repentent I still think she's just going to abuse him in half revenge, half as a manipulation to make him a useful piece.
I can understand why, but it doesn't really work for me He's like this because he's started remembering the deaths he's suffered in past loops, but that doesn't change the fact that in all loops, including this one, he either joins in or abides his wife viciously abusing Satoko and Satoshi I think he's doing the right thing in trying to make up for it, but he still has a long way to go before I feel he's properly redeemed himself.
Even with him trying to be good, Satoko is still the villain in -victim in this relationship You don't unravel years of trauma like that with just a day or two of kindness. I also think it's sensible to be extremely cautious around his offers of rebuilding their relationship Guys like that promise a lot but rarely deliver, and as soon as they're comfortable again, start sliding back into their despicable ways.
I get the feeling we'll see the end of this Sato-Kowashi-hen arc in the next episode or two And then these supposed episodes that go up to episode thirty will handle the big conclusion arc where everything comes tumbling down
I'm not sure if it was Ryuukishi or the anime director who said it, but in an interview someone said something along the lines of >Up until now, Satoko may have seemed like an unpleasant person >But if you watch episodes twenty-three and twenty-four, you may come to see her in a different light And I'm not yet so sure what they mean by that off of this episode alone. Maybe it'll make more sense after the next episode.
Oh when the Higurashi episode aired in Japan apparently they got "SSR Teppei" trending in Japanese Twitter Because a Teppei that is genuinely trying to repent with Satoko is totally an SSR pull
They're getting angry with the old man, but to be fair, the body's cells probably have done all they can to prevent this The fate of this body is entirely the responsibility of its owner
Oh and there goes the heartbeat
Ah it is a thirteen-episode series Wasn't entirely expecting that.