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i dont need to practice cuz i pretty sure am making my own picture while you all stral memes so shit your fucking traps ans use your dumbfuck 26 letters to count or fuck off and learn to download your fucking vimeo tutorial your motherfucking faggots. mind your goddamn place and show your mathemathics degree if you wre going for your shitty ass age old motivator class that they rightfully deny you for being little lazy thieving faggots the FBI designated you all as. fucking worthless anonymous garbages.
trying to know how translucency is solved upon multiple similsr glassy things. like the plotting of colors, lights, shades and the shape of it. refraction and reflectiom between and of its own, uneven surfaces and sculpture... perhaps a generalization of it so i may handle even the most complex of crystal effects but generally i have not known of smooth surfaces...
2 replies omitted.Anno
>>1097621 also why does chans insist to train without any guideline like it is the professional something breeding place it s not like there were ever anything good come from this circles of anonymous morons so learn to produce actual datas first you monkey anons
how does the KINO in anime aesthetic measured/done in general and then add ups to their sales? the kind of thing that decided little to no sales versus the big million numbers of sales material.
maybe focusing on million sales rather, since it's no good to do less anyway. especially maybe considering the market of anime nowadays, how does the algorythm works or whatever variables determines the value?
t. anime fan
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1097259 if by kino you mean "high artistic merit" then you might realize that many high selling anime actually isn't kino but middle kf of the line bullshit with popular cliches and attractive female characters oh and also the femaleeads can't have sex because then otaku will hate them
>>1097292 no i mean just the sales i am trying to be some 6 digit selling artist on social media so how do i present the things. i know enough technique or so i think so i just need a very nice pointer to get me going and such.
Tell me how does one get famous as an artist? Draw now Vectors Portfolio Yes >comissions request Detailed. High. Fine line. Too many vectors. >please request something else. How to reach the income? I need it. Please this way to go pixels.
14 replies omitted.i love myself
wait hold on is that a fact checker whos moe or is that a fact checker that only checks moe facts or you mean a fact checker who posts on moe
whats the definition of six digit illustration protofolio nowadays. like if one were to deliver as such how to create the content or demand enough to reach