>>769692 if 0080 isn't enough indication i love things that are painfully realistic and deal with heavy fucking problems failing that anything super weird and out there is cool
>>770537 heh, you know those cards that play music when opened thoae break up all the time was fub working in the post office when dozens lf them plaid xmas jingles
i also once delivered an animal book that had broken was amusing to have my bag go roaasr, elephant noise, mooo, miaow etc occasionally
>>770538 Yeah They also make ones that let you record a message But these are probably closer to sound drops.
I understand where you're coming from but otaku are pretty consistently some of the biggest tantrum throwers when their favourite doesn't win. Even if Sensei doesn't "win" this series they'd need to give her some kind of happy end or else the ambiguousness would get her fans really up in a tussle.
>>769431 they could do an alternate ending chapter like other series do im not the hardest otaku out there but i'd be pretty happy with something like that
I think that's something more harem romcom series should do really. Unless there's some kind of UNMEI reason or something there can only be one. But if you're gonna populate your series with cute, endearing characters and then have to give all but one of them the axe. It kind of sucks unless it's handled with a delicate touch.
>watching cozy stream >suddenly the streamer invites a bunch of people to a discord call and have a big voice chat live on stream very not cozy gross in fact
Oh Death Stranding is out on pre-order on Steam. Day of the PS4 release. Good to know that at least for the moment they're interested in releasing it through Steam.
sorry for being quiet but ive been here for all of it i didn't have a lot to comment i want to go to the spa though
It looks pretty nice, yeah. An onsen resort like the one in Maou-sama, Retry! would probably be the number one choice but one using less fantastical water like this one would be nice too.