Shamiko is still cuter though! She's the kind of hopeless you just can't help but feel you need to protect!
Oh yeah this show has some people with awful aesthetics doing the localizing. Substituting American brands in place of the Japanese ones. Converting metric to imperial measurement at a proper conversion, but not properly converting yen to dollar values. I'm fine with language localization but changing the proper nouns for other ones just feels dumb to me.
>>721979 yeah it's nice though i wish i went to an all girls school
It's pretty surprising that an all-girl's school like theirs would allow for such diversity in the clothes they put atop their uniforms too. I mean I get it's so the characters all stand out from each other but looking below the meta it's a pretty uncommon thing for a school like this to be that lenient.
DLoHB had a really toxic subset of fans i remember so i couldn't watch it at all it's really easy for things to get ruined for me just by the people who like it
but i don't really hang around /a/ generally anymore now that i have /moe/ for watching nichijou was a real treat though
>>721386 the sleight of hand stuff is actually pretty hard and technical im kind of bad at that stuff.
i don't have the dexterity for it and i'm kind of clumsy so i made a really dorky magician haha
what really fascinated me is the performance and organization it's not like knowing how to do one cool, specific trick to show off it's about knowing a few hundred tricks and then navigating a participant through something like a CYOA where you just adjust the trick based on whatever the changing situation is
like sometimes the trick is just that you know every trick so whatever comes up you're prepared for, and then making it all look like it was intentional i'm really good at making things look ilke they're intended when im clueless
I don't think I've got the slender, dexterous fingers that are well-suited to sleight of hand stuff. And trying to get my fingers to act not in unison and do things indepedent of each other is something I struggle with. It's why I have a hard time with piano.
Being a performer is also pretty anxiety-inducing for me, always has been. So doing something like that with people focused on me just seems hard to be driven to try out.
hm, it's the opposite for me being myself in front of people is horrifying pretending im someone else is like being invincible nothing anyone can say is going to hurt me because im already projecting out some form of parody
im really good at like faking accents on the fly to get out of awkward situations like pretending i didn't understand something or making it seem like i'm foreign or even from a different area, like new jersey or philadelphia or stuff i can't really do it in a planned fashion but when i get an opportunity to and i just do it's so easy and fun
i love acting a lot i kinda wish i did drama or something in high school but i dunno
Yeah, I like the concept of acting but I'm so self-conscious when the focus is on me that the thought of that is kind of terrifying. It's much easier to be when people aren't paying attention to me.
yeah, if it's like stage acting it's hard because it's too theatrical and that's about not being realistic i'm only good at hyper realism so that's why i take to street performance better where at any given time nobody knows you're trying to act and aren't seated and waited to be entertained, but are just having a casual social interaction so have expectations of realistic subtleties
>>720611 It's an older series that got its season two this season. The English name is something like "Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls In A Dungeon?" There's a recap episode zero out if you never watched the original too.
>>720611 I think we did episode one of the new season last week, on a day you were either late or absent. I really enjoyed the first series of it so I'd like to keep up the new series too. It's a fun game-y fantasy. The title is kind of a misnomer too. While there's a bit of trying to impress girls by dungeoning a lot of the series deals with the various groups of people and the gods and goddesses they follow.
>>720613 ah okay yeah i'll try to be late or absent less but it's actually really hard for me to be consistent with the changing meds i can't really control when or how long i sleep or when my thoughts start racing hopefully i'll get all that sorta out soon
araburu looks really good, i want to enjoy it
I can understand the trouble. Not trying to be judgemental about you missing, just factual. Take the time you need to get things properly alligned. As long as it's not a bother to try to bring you in when you're having a hard time on your own, I'm happy.
well anime time is really important to me i want to be better about it but sometimes my brain just isn't right and starts thinking other stuff that keeps me from appreciating it still trying to figure out how to get that under control adequately
>>721775 im extremely uncomfortable when there's not some sort of underlying activity going on so if im just sitting at a table with people and we're not playing a game or having a discussion about something clear and objective, like planning something or strategizing, i get antsy and have to do stuff that's why im always cleaning or cooking or finding something to do, because direct attention makes me really uncomfortable if it's not in an environment where something is going on
there's something about the stillness and blankness that makes me just freeze up it's like the awkwardness of eye contact with someone. you see them making eye contact then you uncomfortably look around and find something to stay or do because it's uncomfortable