Not synched.
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871 replies omitted.
pls quick
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laughing to death might be fun way to go
that's not funny my brother died that way
I lost a life to that just now
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i had a dream that someone slashed my tires and wrote an essay on my tire about why they did it but I don't remember their reason
733 replies omitted.
🇫🇮 !PcAPtAiNJo
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Or was it meme magick
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Hurray we can post images now.
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And now that things are untainted by blocks of text
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oh we're back
nice image
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101 replies omitted.
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WHAT was this episode?
Well things sure went down a weird road this episode.
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Yeah, so much for my suspension of disbelief.
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thanks for anime!
time for me to sleep
Mhm, thanks.
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715 replies omitted.
it was 5 months agp
oh no I was tricked
I see
I'm retarded
unlimited bangarang
hifumi best girl
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55 replies omitted.
Sorry, I don't want to be here anymore.
Watch whatever.
And, er, I mean anymore for the rest of tonight.
Seriously, watch whatever.
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It's not a problem in this thread!
Let's watch some anime!
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Well, let's just save what we have left.
We have some slow anime nights ahead.
I may just take this opportunity to catch up on sleep a little.
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1206 replies omitted.
Wow that's pretty useful.
high level impact auts
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 588x1024)
and you don't seem to understand
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185 replies omitted.
unlimited bangarang
yeah that was some shit
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 283x303)
well that certainly was an episode
thanks for anime!
unlimited bangarang
thanks for anime
see yuu tomorrow
Search [iqdb] (374 KB, 1280x720)
thankerino mi amigos
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 962x1500)
136 replies omitted.
i can't take my time back you already used it.
feel free to pay me back whenever.
i won't be here for anime tomorrow night
unless you guys watch really late
I probably won't get home until after midnight
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 1280x720)
What do you have on tomorrow's list?
it will probably be like
3 gatsu
i guess you have imouto
Midnight for Bang is 01:00 our time.
So there's a good chance he'll be back before we get to Imouto.
yeah just imouto
but if unlimited bang is able to come home from the show and remember to watch anime, then god bless him
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Day of Saturn
758 replies omitted.
rika was liking the accents
i'm playing with jp voices because it was so bad
but i meant the translation
the translation is one of the worst i've ever seen
hey kirara do you have any fun plans today
games, anime, and dinner