Night-Seer brushes the dirt off of himself. "Perhaps this Stikini holds a grudge against the one called Curtis. There is a man who recently appeared named Curtis. He has been advising us with his friend that is call Chansky." night-seer spoke like he usually does even though i forgot to do it right haha
You have to be assertive with women or they will walk all over you. You're plenty stubborn here I'm sure you can muster some to win some time in the tub.
This was a good episode.
Another good end card.
>>37484 I give way to people I respect. Both tubs in the house are in bathrooms that are undeniably ones possessed by other entities other than myself. I try to avoid intruding on those bathrooms unless absolutely necessary out of respect.
Dude the let's play game is pretty saturated, but people are still hungry for more Just discuss identity politics over it and people will flock to it like moths to a new flame
Seriously We're talking tens of thousands of subs after like maybe a year tops
There's no shortage of content or content creators having a successful youtube channel is not about content it's marketing and promotion and networking if you're going to take the effort to do that, you can do that without having the added weight of being a content creator on top of that, especially if you're not passionate about it
I mostly watch these sorta video game channels as background noise because I go fucking mental when it's quiet around me, and sometimes I can't be bothered to listen to music
>>35071 It was // I wouldn't really call that a shaming thing. That was more of a really weird example that just stood out to me as really funny. There was other shit he was doing that was weird.
it sounds fine in this context, but i just mean more in general you broke up, it's done and there's freedom why you gotta try and hurt the person you loved after it's done i'll never understand it
>>35073 Because they keep calling you to tell you dumb shit and lies. I was talking to her after he left and put his stuff in his van and he stayed parked outside and kept trying to call her like why? The whole phone call was a laundry list of dumb and sketchy shit that he couldn't even say was wrong. He just kept bringing up things that he thought was suspect and I'm sitting there like ... I stay in this house a lot, you know. And so does my sister. She's taking care of her son essentially all day. So when you go and talk about her hanging out with people being suspect ... for what? I'm just listening like "Why are people like this? Why keep calling and embarrassing yourself?"