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Wow, she made a magic fridge.
i kinda wish they had an episode with a focus on the staff
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I imagine there will be one before the end.
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In fact it looks like the next one may be about the demon waitress. Thanks for anime!
so all elves are vegans huh
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Do you think that CR is a top tier tsundere character? I think his ability to
I mean crunchyroll is okay
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Imperator Augustus
815 replies omitted.
They're both useless in the void of space.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/01 (火) 21:48 No. 222924
one represents truth and the other represents lies
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/01 (火) 21:49 No. 222926
hello kannagi
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/08/01 (火) 21:49 No. 222928
TN linked his thread improperly so i will help>>222922 >>222922 >>222922
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The Thread (2017 reboot)
772 replies omitted.
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I'd probably die in the cold but I like the cold more than the heat.>>221903 I'm not that cold!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/31 (月) 23:58 No. 221906
someday she'll pay the price
>>221905 >>221905 >>221905
I'm will to sacrifice to the chaos gods.
>>221906 I hope so
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Yumeko is CRAZY
what an ed
Oh I guess we see more of gun-crazy-chan next week.
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Looks like she'll be the monster of the week. Thanks for anime!
I dont likke gun-chan that much I hope she doesnt cheat itll be more interesting
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The Attack of the Revenge of the Thread the Son's Fury Rampage part III
912 replies omitted.
>>221124 that's a good image too
>>221123 wassup Bang
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The lack of chick-fil-a on this ship is unacceptable
>>221129 >>221129 >>221129
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>>221128 >>221128 Ewie. You don't need that anyway. <3
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167 replies omitted.
just how stealthy are they
Genki's quite the name to give a girl. Especially one that ends up in a wheelchair.
project blue
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thanks for anime!
Mhm, thanks.
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cthulhu IC thread last thread >>200387 ooc thread >>219129 last time the group met singing bear who summoned a giant snake and commanded it to destroy the disrepectful team but alas they started respecting snakes hard what will happen? it is time to find out
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/30 (日) 04:50 No. 219618
SB says nothing. He cowers, staring at the ground. Even without sensing danger, you can tell that he does not have it in him to continue fighting.
"The axe exploded so I don't suppose we can chop his appendages off anymore. Let's just take him back."
Felicity Davis 2017/07/30 (日) 04:52 No. 219625
"You still have that rope, Thomas?"
Thomas tightens the rope in a show of "yes i have the rope".
Felicity Davis 2017/07/30 (日) 04:55 No. 219635
"Tie him up. Miss Vane, do you want a moment to look at your wounds?"
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cthulhu ooh thread
228 replies omitted.
You would go out in a blaze of glory though.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/30 (日) 05:06 No. 219675
sure would be a shame if the snake got out of the dream world and was disrespected though
we respect him at least
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/07/30 (日) 05:07 No. 219680
roll a d20 to respect snakes
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I don't think he has really good manners. Someone was not respecting women by shooting them with lightning bolts right next to him and he didn't do anything.
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the thread, volume 7, part 4
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Can't mind control me when I'm unconscious!
Yeah 'cause that's when it hijacks it instead.
>>220019 it's subliminally messaging you through your dreams
FormerRei@mobile 2017/07/30 (日) 08:34 No. 220022
I am returned.
>>220023 >>220023 >>220023