Wanna hear something strange? I've had this site bookmarked for prolly a few years now, but never really visited. Quick question, where am I? What is this place?
>>543828 I had this place saved after finding it through a nichijou page, it got deleted and when I looked up doushio moe I found this place. I asked the same thing you asked and got no replies. This oh shit you actually cant backspace.
>>543828 >>545537 this place is a liveboard, where the post updates as you type there is a small amount of backspace room but as you type you won't be able edit the earlier part of the post there is no set topic and we all have own // our own interests and common interests that we share with the board eg manga anime music etc
the general rules of the board are: don't post lewd images these are images that include panties, bras, exposed gentials or nipples
don't be a dick, don't stir up drama, be wary of consersations that are unsuitable for the general board eg uneccessary politics, overtly sexual or grotesque conversation (no one wants to hear about your fetishes)
a good rule of thumb is to lurk and read the atmosphere of the board otherwise that's all I can think if off the top of my head, however if you have any questions you can ask our admin Samu, whenever he may appear or just email [email protected] or you can ask a // for a mod to explain something
>>545830 Not OP, but your explanation was very useful for me, who has just found the site today. Seems like a very interesting idea to have everyone be able to see posts being typed live, although I can also see how it might be a bit annoying if one was to make a typo or something. Potentially stupid question: is /moe/ the only "board" on the site?
I would take good quality headphones over most speaker situations. Like maybe in a room with -room designed with accoustics in mind and with really good speakers, that would be nice. But I think in terms of bang for your buck, the quality and enjoyment of sound out of headphones is way more accessible.
my laptop has nice sound projection actually but it's not the same trying to listen to kaiyko's captivating vocals and it just falls out to the background this way it might just be a psychological thing but having the sounds closer and more contained feels drastically different
Скажите своему админу, что он долбоёб. привязать администраторов и модераторов к авторизации гитхаба - решение, достойное калечного умом идиота. А если я захочу его парашу в торе поднять? Ну уж теперь точно не захочу. Есть другие, нормальные движки борд. Арибидерчи.
Вот https://github.com/bakape/meguca Посмотрите, как надо писать борды У него сразу все собралось Мне не пришлось ебаться три дня, чтобы привести это в рабочее состояние Указаны версии языков Есть даже собранный docker-образ Вот у кого руки-то прямые Не то что автор этой борды