Not synched.
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51 replies omitted.
Oh shit she gets a gun next episode. Maybe Tada doesn't fall in love because he gets fucking SHOT instead.
tada kun gets shot
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Thanks for anime!
thank you
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871 replies omitted.
2018/06/04 (月) 02:27 No. 512055
oh wow it is raining
FormerRei@mobile 2018/06/04 (月) 02:30 No. 512056
Do you follow?
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I'm not advanced enough to properly appreciate this my maths sucks
FormerRei@mobile 2018/06/04 (月) 02:44 No. 512058
If you need anymore help just let me know.
2018/06/04 (月) 02:52 No. 512060
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>>512059 >>512059 >>512059
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102 replies omitted.
Kabakura has it rough. Lucky bastard.
Hah hah hah. He got caught up too much in his thoughts and got carted.
Narumi has it rough.
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602 replies omitted.
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wtf walmart
I get that kind of thing on the Canadian Amazon site too pretty often. I'll be looking at, I'unno, computer cables and all of a sudden I'll see a totally unrelated plastic doodad pop up.
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i broke the alarm so i can keep the air on and still go but im so stressed out now i want to drink so bad this weekend is going to go really badly idk why i even try to do anything i should just hide away in my house forever or just go live in the woods
>>510920 >>510920 >>510920
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he got defeated by naked memes
Well that was peculiar. Considering how meta this show has been in the past I'm convinced they turned the literal fanservice episode into a metaphorical fanservice episode intentionally. There were a whole bunch of characters this episode you'd only really appreciate if -appreciate fully if you were a fan of the franchise already.
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this is a fun show
i kinda want to try the game because of the anime tbh
Yeah I won't deny my curiousity's piqued. Still probably won't play it because I'm allergic to mobage.
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65 replies omitted.
She's so great.
hes too nice for his own good
You got to squash that kind of thing before it grows deep roots.
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Thanks for anime!
Ami go to you
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I think I mentioned it last week but it's really neat realizing how many characters you now recognize that have been in this shot from the first episode. Like Embarrassment Overload-chan and Supervisor-chan are in it and I'm only just noticing.
i wonder who is next to the supervisor
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Actually, interestingly enough, the bartender lady isn't in the picture either. Guess this is Nitta in 100% bachelor modo.
no daughteru no waifu my laifu
Amen to that, buddy.
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Happy Birthday to the Fishes!
3 replies omitted.
Happy Birthday Fish. I hope you'll be well soon!
hope she has a good fishday
>>509105 I can not explain why this post ends in "the Fishes!" As I am sure I didn't type it. But it does so congrats
>>509214 it's a bug that happens when you make a new thread and then post in it from the front page
bump from the fishes
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780 replies omitted.
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/05/31 (木) 09:21 No. 510199
they won't bite me
Samu 🔥 !KW2DbpWwls
2018/05/31 (木) 09:22 No. 510200
i have donned my kung fu pants this is happening
thinking about starting to take l-arginine in the mornings>>510200 i dug out my aikido gi the other day it feels so good to wear
My lunch is half a liter of milk cause I can't be fucked to get changed and go to the gas station for food
>>510203 >>510203 >>510203
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189 replies omitted.
ran so hard her legs gave out at least
It's been so long since I've felt like that, hah hah.
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This episode covered an entire failure into training arc into comeback It was a good episode though
Yeah I guess they got to pick up the pace to get everyone running together for the finale. That was a good race though.
>>508966 running doesn't extend your life