what's worse that album or the entire discog of Radiohead
Ooh That's a hard question. Cause it's not a bad album. Its just Talking Heads's worst album, but they're a really good band. Also the soundtrack is also called True Stories.
Cool My friend i made plans with for today is not responding to the texts that feature questions that need answers of yes in order for me to even leave. Like "can your dad (or someone else) pick me up from the train" or "can I stay the night"
Why are the dutch about 5-10cm taller than rest of europe they aren't that genetically apart from germans and belgians and france they were a rich region, but not that more than the others and they weren't that much peaceful having their fair share of war yet during the industrial era they just suddenly became giants
>>408721 I've read it already actually It's kind of bad but I still read it >>408742 That one is also kind of bad But I still read it
>>408741 I dunno about same quality as that demon king harem
I think it is the enjoyable trash manga quite few isekai are actually that good there is just a charm in them at times either how they do the over powered main character bit unique setting or well the game take some are pure garbo though
I don't think Hotaru is necessarily childish. She's just kind of autistic.
I won't deny she's kind of autistic, but she also does a lot of the childish stuff. Her, Tou, and Coconuts' dad all did the "I want to go out and run in the typhoon!" skit.