if people spent any time playing the game instead of gossiping around town they'd be just as far developed... i mean these girls are only playing a few hours in the evening, there's no excuse
Yeah but some people actually play MMOs for the social aspect.
at least she still shows up that's some dedication at least
i think we've been a little too bombarded with animal shows lately... beastars, this one, kemono mask im not trying to complain but it feels like it's getting pretty saturated
yes monster hunter's expansion came out and we were playing
and he was mean to me earlier today and then suddenly nice and wanted to play monster hunter and he talked shit about how i die all the time and he died more than i did and he was getting frustrated that's when I was most inattentive, trying hard to kill the monster that he was getting frustarted over so he wouldn't get mad
Yeah I know. I'll be getting into that over the weekend. I've been looking forward to it.
>>791506 Wow, you really work hard, hah hah. He needs to get good and own his mistakes.