>>851648 It's especially dumb because he lives in Florida. So if they go outside and do things they have pretty good chances o f getting Corona. Apparently they were also giving my dad shit ffofor nt wanting to come.
Well ... thankfully, there's some stuff that was set for summer that has gotten delayed, hah hah. So there are some open time slots. Slime Isekai was set to start airing this summer but it's been pushed back. There's probably some other things that did too.
Actually honestly there doesn't seem to be a lot airing next season anyway. On the site I use to keep track of what's airing this season, there's around 65 shows noted. Not all of these are actual shows it's shorts and stuff too. But for the upcoming summer that same collection of shows only totals up to around 48. We don't watch half of the content since a lot is stuff that's for kids or doesn't get subs (usually because it's for kids) and we ditch shorts so we usually end up watching maybe a quarter or a third of what's on the list. Which when you get only 48 shows ... doesn't leave us with a lot to watch.
I need to take a look at next season. Summer is usually somewhat light, and that will be doubly so with corona.
>>850570 https://www.livechart.me/summer-2020/tv Here's where I'm referencing. I find it useful when keeping track of stuff.
I counted maybe fourteen or fifteen shows we'd be likely to get to watching tops, minus one if you're not too inspired to do the final season of Yahari Ore no Romcom etc/ Maybe I'm just fuzzy but I feel like you weren't too into the show when we did the second season.
Though at the least I get a second season of Re:Zero to watch. I'll probably get up to that one whenever and talk about it with Kirara during the day.
Even if you're not going all out, two hundred and fifty pitches is still a pretty ridiculous amount to throw. How many pitches does a team even throw in a game on average? And even then most teams have relief pitches to take pressure off.
Oh here they go. They're gonna let this girl finally bat.
Yeah, I figured as much. With how crazy she was swinging and how fast the pitch was, that ball was gonna fly.
This series always looks so nice. The animation was nice this episode.
I wonder if the sisters that showed up are returning characters from the original Princess Connect or something. With the animation emphasis they got and being able to show off their strength it feels like they're important-ish.
Oh I think this pink-haired girl is actually from the original PriCon. I might be mistaking her for a different pink-haired girl though.
There was a first PriCon mobage that didn't do too well and got closed in like 2016 or 2018. The PriCon this anime is adapting is a mobage sequel to it that seems to have been doing much better. But that also means there's gonna be some characters brought back in that have established personalities to draw from that first-timers to the series won't necessarily know about.
Maybe that happens later though. Though maybe the sports festival isn't the finale of this second season like I thought.
>>849811 It's impressive what a bit of practice can do! Plus the guy he was tagged with is kind of your standard good-natured jock type. So pretty athletic.
what? 1000 post threads? on this retirement board?
708 replies omitted.Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Neat. I'll probably watch it later or tomorrow. I usually just watch one or two episodes of anime per day these days. Mostly because of computer problems, haha.
Ah so those offerings of feet pics for computer money aren't absolutely 100% shitposting
Haha, only like 70% shitposting. My old recreation laptop - well, I say old but it's 4 years old - barely works anymore. I need to replace it with something better and I also want to get a gaming PC. I might be able to afford it in a few months if I can get this raise I'm hoping for.
As someone who has definitely screwed things up by being too nice and failing to be assertive because of that, I get a bit frustrated with Rikou -Rikuo I guess. But at the same time I would probably have done the exact same thing he's done in his position.
Oh yeah I saw some chatter about this when this ED came out. It's Ilya's artwork. I'd known he was getting to do some stuff for this show, I guess this is the main part of that.
I've enjoyed this series but apparently it's trying to cram a like hundred and ten chapter manga in to a single season. I've seen a of people complain about stuff getting cut because of that.
Yeah, no worries. Thanks for anime. I hope you can have a refreshing weekend. If for whatever reason you want to be around, I'll be here. There's always stuff to watch.