m-maybe i could be your burnt toast just for tonight, samurai-chan...
There's a stretch of road I can walk up after class instead of hopping straight on the subway that smells absolutely delicious around lunchtime. Whole lot of Asian and Middle-Eastern restaurants, so the air takes on all these smells of frying and grilling meats and savoury sauces cooking.
Well artificial banana is reputably supposed to taste like a kind of banana that has been driven extinct. So maybe it's less least intended than the artificial grape?
Either way I think the real answer here is artificial cherry. I love that flavour but man, it's nothing like actual cherries.
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>651565 banana >>651570 not driven extinct, it went extinct because of some plant disease
>>650372 She's definitely dangerous! There's only a barrier of social anxiety stopping her! Sibyl would label her a LATENT CRIMINAL, LETHAL ELIMINATOR MODE.
>>650376 Also Mya-chan got good DEX and WIS, but negative CHA and low INT.
I'd say low WIS and high INT. She's smart but is awareness-dumb.
>>650448 if you're already familiar with valerian then i guess there's nothing surprising to see there with the 5htp might just put you to sleep i'll always favor valerian root to kratom because it's a more calm, cerebral feeling i dont think valerian is very good for sleeping though even though it's marketed as a sleep aid i take it for focus and to relieve anxiety but it's also just fun
>>650450 Yeah I took it to help me sleep for a long time when I worked overnight. But it eventually stopped working so well and I started using sleeping pills instead. Or just drinking a lot and passing out every night. But now I use melatonin and it seems to help well enough. Still have some trouble sleeping after working nights though. I find Kratom to be really calming, too. I'll probably go to bed after I finish my last daily roulette in FFXIV. Thank god DMC is coming to save me from getting hooked on this stupid game again.
yeah valerian is a pretty effective sedative, but it's really not good for sleeping the best use of its anxiolytic and gabaergic effects would be while you're awake and active i dont think ive ever slept while on kratom, except high doses of reds i sometimes will nod a bit and have a 15-minute cat nap and i don't drink anymore, but that's really never helped me get to sleep either unless it was a lot
i typically fall asleep naturally, but i can take adderall or caffeine to make myself sleep at will pretty much