besides why would we use a usb stick for more swap when we can just put more swap on the internal drive
idk I heard its bad for the internal over time to have a constant swap file and doing literally anything modern on a computer in current year will be using over 2gigs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1145115 i thought that was a windows only innovation and they scrapped it after realizing it was really dumb
>>1144088 ## #bringbackkirarahome no, I mean ## ###BRING_BACK_Kirara_HOME DAMN
your markup is cursed sam,
that what I mean # >>1144088 ###bringbackKiraraHome >>1144216 >>1144088 ##bringbackKiraraHome I CAN'T OPERATE THIS BOARD WITH LAME MARKUP LANGUAGE SUPPORT SYSTEM ! ! !
look at what wired ratz space done to their H2 markup&Css, & they can operate without js, if only they had no spam ...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
skill issue
😼</smug> lul haha
FRONT PAGE bumped it so one lands on that scum post
I don't understand the connection to hitmen contract killers sleep the same way everyone does, I imagine, with a tshirt and a pair of boxers
I think the idea is people who live that kind of life need to get ready to jump and run at a moment's notice It's kind of a movie image of a hitman since people who do contract killing in real life are usually associated with a crime syndicate of some sort If you're talking with someone who's just like, a random guy who kills freelance, they're almost always a cop
>>1143795 if you pirated it, I suggest using lutris Lutris has pretty good compatibility with installing video games and stuff, it's what it's for and then you run it through steam's proton if you really want, but Lutris worked fine for me there so there's no reason to do that of course Lutris is wine at the end of the day, it's just got some extra stuff to make things smoother
I rewatched Cabin in the Woods and also Funny Games yesterday interesting how different their approach to a very similar message is, and also interesting how badly done a lot of Cabin is Funny Games is a really strange movie though One of those movies that's basically all message, purposefully kinda boring and without a real story to speak of
anyway all that to say I'm now watching Bad Time as the El Royale