>>291422 She showed up at the parts where they were fighting Bahamut and stuff. She didn't do much. I think there was another big deal angel that died.
I think she tried a few keikakus in season one as well. And she may have been a part of the group that told Jeanne tough luck before she lost it. I can't remember too well though. She was definitely around in season one though, I remember her.
Ahhh I just thought of something to do that will make me feel like I have been productive Deleting duplicate files and moving big files over to my microsd card
Unfortunately I have to use the garbage default Samsung file browser to move stuff to the microsd card cause the os prevents write access to it from non stock apps
He didn't really do anything in the last episode except die at the end.
He did all the legwork beforehand! Besides, on a meta level, having Eve want to destroy the world because men subjugate women, only to have the male characters do all the work in the show, kind of comes off a little hypocritical. I think it's clever that the girls solved things.
>Gosling was educated at Gladstone Public School,[15] Cornwall Collegiate and Vocational School and Lester B. Pearson High School.[16] As a child, he watched Dick Tracy and was inspired to become an actor.[17] He "hated" being a child,[9][18] was bullied in elementary school[19] and had no friends until he was "14 or 15".[20][21] In grade one, having been heavily influenced by the action film First Blood, he took steak knives to school and threw them at other children during recess. This incident led to a suspension.[18] >n grade one, having been heavily influenced by the action film First Blood, he took steak knives to school and threw them at other children during recess. what the fuck
Well, that was not the last episode I was expecting. It was just a normie trashing games the whole time, with lots of boobs.
I had a blast with it. You can really tell the author gets all the stupid bullshit gamers have to deal with while still being able to enjoy the medium. It was good satire.