Adachi really kinda has overexpectations of what her reserved requests of Shimamura will result in. I mean she is crushing hard on Shimamura but she's pretty good at translating that crush into relatively normal requests of Shimamura.
oh and now they are fighting a monkey tho his initial introduction was neat, but he is so inconsistent in what he can do that it isn't even a joke but the initial idea of them going against a sorcerer instead of just punching their way to victory was neat but then it just developed into "punch until win"
if they make xenoverse 3 which I hope they do I hope they will finally add BEAM STRUGGLES ffs
also maybe finally have a dbz game where it isn't just >one side punches, other side blocks/evades/takes hits and instead has like trading blows like in the show
dunno how you would make that work, but atleast TRY
Important or otherwise though, I'm generally pretty contemptuous of the absurd prices of diamond rings. Diamonds aren't actually nearly as scarce on this planet as their pricing might lead you to believe, even before the more recent advancements that technically make it possible to artificially create them. But the companies that mine and refine the diamonds control the rate at which new diamonds enter the market so that there's always a manufactured scarcity. It's real bullshit and that's before you address the fact that those companies tend to use immoral labour to mine the diamonds.
Tsukasa has an economically pragmatic approach to money. Sure she's maybe an alien but it seems like she grew up in an ojou mansion. You'd think she'd have not as firm a grasp on money as she does.