Jan do you wanna do the most recent Irozuku We watched it on Friday.
let's watch uhhh that shitty ass imouto show
Eh, I'm pretty fine not watching it. I've kept it on the list because Rika seemed to have a inclivity to try it out.
by the way it's not a very good show it makes fun of itself in-universe while also playing the same dumb tropes straight and has cheap animation the jokes are pretty good though
I wonder if we'll be getting a new character each episode. thanks for anime!
It looks like these four are the main cast judginf rom -from the OP.
Also did we maybe miss out on episode three of this? I remember a PV showing Sophie going to school but I don't recall watching that happen. I'm positive we watched at least two previous episodes of this but maybe we missed on three. I'll go check.
Yeah we missed episode three, whoops. That must've been my bad. I'll make a note of that for the list.
100+ hours out of a game I think I have gotten enough to stop forcing myself to play at this point god I have gorwn to hate that game or rather the playerbase
though part of the hate goes to namco bandai for being shitters
Actually come to think of it about all of the hate is just proxy hate of Namco Bandai fuck that company