I was buying some stuff at the store today and realized everything I was buying was in sets of two And started wondering if the cashier noticed it too It's probably not that weird but it started feeling kind of weird to me Not that I plan to stop
Yeah I guess I can rationalize it that everyone's always been so nice to her, or at least ambivalent So maybe that's made her a bit curious to what the other side is like Or I dunno it's a funny bit either way.
Maybe it would be a power-up if only they leaned into it
It's always kinda funny how guns seem to kinda work against these paranatural things Even when they don't work work, they still kinda have an effect. Maybe it has to do with the faith humans put into guns, that notion of them being the great equalizer and all It creates sort of a psychic relevance that allows them to effect the paranatural.
that was a good episode the whole gang was along though
Got to bring in the support characters every now and then But I think the kouhai might be a bit more regular than I was expecting She's obviously got something a bit broke in her that needs handling before she can semi-retire.
ah fuck I forgot the tank water and pump combo isn't exactly good if you want a shower while washing clothes
Fuck I feel hot I know im not actually hot (probably) But I have the window open and still feel hot And my jaw hurts It keeps popping whenever I open my mouth
Maybe Japan clarifies seasons differently but I dunno if I consider early-March "beginning of spring" At least 'round here it's usually pretty reliably the last big hurrah of winter. Though this year it looks like we might be getting an early spring, which is nice It wasn't a particularly long winter this year, but all of 2020 was kind of a metaphorical winter because of the pandemic. So there's something nice about an early spring coming in.
>>924490 Yeah, it was a really nice scene too Rin's got such a sweet family.
Hah hah hah You gotta be careful who you gossip with Some people just can't help but chatter.
Wow they're just absolutely murdering purple-hair here
The guy that asked her out is pretty hot though, yeah And seems like a bit of a moe klutz Maybe she doesn't have a thing for guys like that though.
I think one of the kinda ridiculous things about teenage romance in Japanese fiction is the whole "I've liked you from afar but have never really talked to you, but I'm gonna confess and want to date you" Arrangements like that aren't exactly solid foundations to build a relationship off of. Not that it doesn't also kind of happen in fiction all over the world, but it really seems to get run to the extreme in stuff like anime and manga.
Two drummers seems a bit unnecessary for a performance Like basically any other instrument can be played alongside itself But two drummers feel a bit weird.