>>960422 you know when the biggest anxiety in my life right now is finding somewhere to live in the next couple months and knowing that i'm going to have to meet a bunch of strangers and make a decision about who i'm going to be living with
and to have the experience of looking for roommates be associated with needing to mentally regress to being a kid just feels really fucking shitty especially coming from someone who - from my perspective - gets quite a bit handed to him
and for you to not realize from some of the things i was posting that it should be obvious i'd feel pretty bad hearing that
i don't know it's like you weren't even reading
you think i'm fucking proud that i can't afford to live on my own you think maybe it might actually be the scariest and most terrifying insecurity to have to live with when every underpass is a fucking tent city filled with homeless people who had lives just like mine before the american dream caught up with them
so maybe it's a little unreasonable for me to react like this but that doesn't make it hurt any less to have my situation compared with that of mental regression
Well I hope things resolve well for you bang. I have some work induced anxiety lately so I know that feel
>>960424 I could say the same of you Missing out on key things I'm saying to attach your own anxieties to it Let me be clear I don't see your need to find somewhere to live as associated with mental regression. You're a working adult in the adult world, that is an entirely different scenario than what I was establishing As someone who has incredible issues with meeting strangers and having to put trust in them I sympathize with your fears about finding roommates -- the fact that I am this way is why I've never done it and I have a lot of gratitude to the people in my life who have let me survive the way I have I'm sorry you're in a space of incredible anxiety right now But please don't put words in my mouth.
see? I see you yeah, it is p2: [[0, 1, 3, 6, 16, 5], 4] okay you can just click on it in the box to cop it, the notation box in the client I*j10, I*h10, I*f10, I*d10, I*b10, I*a10, Rc*i10, Rc*e10, A*j9, A*h9, A*f9, A*d9, A*b9, Q*k11 done done A*e4 end end N*e6 N e6~e4 N*e6 N e6~e4 N*e6 N e6~e4 N*e6
that's wierd k mine's p1: ((8, 13, 16, 6, 4, 3), 1) Q*f1, H*e2, H*f2, S*d2, S*g2, N*b3, N*j3, Ro*f3, Ro*d3, Ro*h3, S*b2, S*i2 N b3-b5 Ro f3~e4 Ro d3-e3 Ro e3~e4 S i2-h4 H f2~e4 S h4-g6 S d2~e4 N*d7 S e4-e5 S g6-g7 S g7~h9 H e2-f4 H f4-e6 S e5-e6 N j3-j5 Q*k4
>>958607 That would be kind of poetic At the very least Ai and Sarasa are the main characters, so them not getting the big roles would be a let down The other two are maybe-maybenots
i was thinking "probably not" at the beginning but in the end this show was kind of charming i'll keep watching
It's rare that I use my mouse to open new /moe/ posts Usually I just use Alt+n Er Alt-s
Wait no it is Alt+n to make a new post and Alt+s to close it Samu why is this two entirely different commands
I feel like the laser on my mouse has been slightly unresponsive every now and then I don't think the lens is dirty, but maybe my mousepad isn't properly absorbing light Though that's not a big concern
Oh my Internet went out It was kind of stormy here today, hopefully a line didn't get taken down
Well good night, Rika, if you're still here Thanks for anime!