we truly never leave it seems you have a good memory for people. so many names. interesting. ah, so my weird feeling of ringing wasnt just for nothing. something brought me back here, and if there is news, i doubt its good. theres never good news. what bad news is there now?
Ah, you don't want to know. somebody did something stupid somewhere on the internet and that's that.
there was some not-bad news some time around this time last year, but it wasn't particularly good either. i dont really like news altogether. i want some peace and quiet, you know?
Are you doing well? anyone specific you want to check in on? some people dont really visit here anymore, like SC, but they're still connected to the community and stuff you're welcome any time! we could use some company around here
as long as people are still alive. i think thats good enough for me. i have no idea where i am, and why i am here. not just on moe, location wise. time flows weirdly for us all. happy that person is still alive as well, i always did worry about her. well, i ha e to drive back. night night moon, or good morning. who knows. good to see people are still alive. at least you made me smile. so good news indeed.
Yeah, SC is doing really well. She's married even! IT's funny, she was the first one of any of us to get married -- still the only one, i think. i'm a little envious personally.
She's doing way better. I bet she'd love to hear from you too.
i take kratom these days for chronic pain -- something i think i remember you dealing with? it's a nice little thing that helps me out in more ways than one. maybe you could check it out sometime.
good luck. drive safe. i hope you do visit again, even just a short drop-in!