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198 replies omitted.
thanks for ainme
Yup, thanks.
>>347583 yeah....
thanks for anime! hopefully i don't close next sunday so you guys don't have a chance to start without me
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>>347583 a long time ago i thought i would have already ended my life by now but here i am
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844 replies omitted.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/27 (月) 15:01 No. 347889
Yeah, I already have a d30 though.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/27 (月) 15:01 No. 347890>Glow in the dark
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/27 (月) 15:04 No. 347891
Also there's a book on Appendix N that came out recently that's supposed to be good. I may get it.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/27 (月) 15:04 No. 347892
2017/11/27 (月) 15:10 No. 347894
>>347893 >>347893 >>347893
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>>346569 the trap character is only funny for one joke before it's stale though they need some other kind of charm point for something like this to stay fun it's a gag 4koma anyways
Okay this is a relief.
i want more maika and more akizuki
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He ended up being a fairly amusing character. Annoying, but the amusing kind of annoying.
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I like him, but I still want my money back. Where was the surprise
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904 replies omitted.
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>>346825 I watched most of what was on Stan
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>>346828 kawaii
>>346828 have you played ghost trick i think you'd like it
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hi /moe/ I am still alive despite the world's best efforts. Let's celebrate my disappointment.>>346831
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I'm sure that's just a little bit of drama. He'll threaten to quit but not quit. Momo's lines in the PV are typical girlfriend lines so I think it will be okay.
dont think i will anime tomorrow dont watch mahou and ballroom
you guys are cool don't go to anime tomorrow
I'm fucking going to anime tomorrow.
alright i guess
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cat fight
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Wow, Camera girl is self-aware enough to know what she wants.
Shiritaaaai Shiritakunai
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thanks for anime!
Yup, thanks.
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A Maria thread
987 replies omitted.
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>>344382 Just use tweetdeck
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a year and change ahead of you
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I should get dressed. Er, oh yeah, I DID finish washing clothes yesterday. Good job me
>344401 >>344401 >>344401
>>344379 shit
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happy bangsgiving
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It be a TN thread
800 replies omitted.
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>>343332 I'm surprised you know how to use a sewing machine though. Most people that know how to sew can't use the machines.
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>>343336 I have a little experience with the machines. I don't know why you're surprised! I'm house husbando material, you know!
FormerRei@mobile 2017/11/24 (金) 04:26 No. 343338
I haven't used a sewing machine in a really long time I do a pretty good job sewing by hand though. Not that I ever do anything more complicated than repairs. I even have a little sewing kit I carry in my backpack.
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>>343337 I'm just surprised! It's a relatively high level skill.
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>>343339 >>343339 TRANS AM RAISER THREAD