Camera-chan needs to be more on the ball. There is a lot of competition.
So he probably got into her university. She got into his university. And Camera-chan probably won the competition. I guess everything collides next episode.
It's kind of nice that they had Komiya confess to him last episode though. These sorts of romance drama shows always tend to have this big avalanche of plot thread resolutions in the final episode. Which while exciting, makes for a kind of exhausting watch. Better to pace your resolutions as your series approaches its climax than haave them all happen at the end.
It's been good. The latest episode was especially good.
>>371658 That's good to know, I have 15 episodes downloaded so far probably will wait till the last episode comes out to get it and just binge watch it since it won't be too much longer.
It'd be interesting if more games, instead of these like, branching story paths and stuff in response to player choices, mucked with the gameplay itself Be more aggressive, and enemies respond by either refusing to let you flee, using stronger attacks, traveling in groups Stuff like this Small stuff that isn't the story itself changing
Some of those things do kind of show up in some form or fashion.