

Not synched.

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Yuu   Expand
88 replies omitted.
This makes me feel better even if it's kindo -kind of asspull bullshit.
Those two that just lost their limbs because they got too close to an Eldritch abomination were really punished unfairly and unjustly.
So them getting their limbs restored through some equally dumb asspull is fine by me.
>Seizing power in the next presidential election
Considering the real life South Korean Prime Minister, or well the last one, got sent to jail because she was basically the bribed puppet of a secret organization of corporate entities that did some REAL cult bullshit
This webtoon really spookily resembles real life.

I wonder if these plot developments were written before or after that came to light though.
I feel it has to be before though, since there's no way they'd touch something like that if it had just happened in real life, hah hah.
Seems like them training to take on the cult's second attempt to awaken their god is where the series goes after this.
For a series called God of High School, the titular tournament sure didn't stick around long.

But I guess they're still high school students that are either channeling or are reincarnations of gods or other mythical characters.
So maybe the name still kinda sticks.
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Yeah, that was pretty good.

Oh, yeah, that was really weird.
It was still a bit unsatisfying to me because of how bonkers it got and then waved away by magic lady.
But yeah, it was a lot of fun.
Would watch more if they get more adaptation confirmed.

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Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\   Expand Last 100
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Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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[gg] released a fansub of the code geass movie
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yeah it's a good hussle for a rotoscope
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's a BIG ROTO
i dont even get the joke but damn
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

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Yuu   Expand Last 100
215 replies omitted.
Don't worry Uzaki I wish it was always summer too-

Wow Sempai way to choose some interesting words to phrase that.
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In related news Kanojo isn't the only show to get a season two announced off the wrap-up of its first season.
We'll be getting some more Uzaki too some time down the line.
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Oh yeah, this was popular.
Glad it's getting a new season too.
Big break too for being a manga published on Twitter as well.
The only other one like that which comes to mind was Tawawa which only got half-episodes.

Being able to go from being an unaffiliated Twitter manga to a two-cour anime is pretty crazy!
Well I'll catch you later then.
Thanks for anime, good night

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!C0.PerkELE   Expand Last 100
Donaldo mak47
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Night /moe/
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Those are some big paws
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

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Yuu   Expand Last 100
118 replies omitted.
Come to think of it, we never did get an actual name for the MC.
I guess they didn't bother coming up with one since she's a dating sim protagonist.
Everyone just refers to her with various Japanese "you"s or as Queen or Potato Chip Princess.
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Yeah, I guess tat's true.
It's weird that it never occured to me that she didn't; have a name.
I had a thought about her and as I was getting ready to type it out I realized I didn't know what to call her hah hah.
And then my brain got totally hijacked thinking about how she didn't have a name.
There's a few series I've watched that have been like that.
I think it's a neat touch that works really well in Japanese since their language has so many ways to refer to someone without using their actual name, plus the implied nature of reference in Japanese means you often don't even need to establish who you're referring to.
It's really hard to do that naturally in English!
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Yeah, Japanese is really good for stuff like that
thanks for anime
Hopefully you can still fall asleep tonight after drifting off so much
Thanks for anime!

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Yuu   Expand
65 replies omitted.
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Yeah, it was pretty obvious here.
It did make all the intimacy with the Dog and Kureno funny before the reveal though, in the manga.
Like "sure this is a shoujo but man this is actually gay as fuck"
But in retrospect, especially for the time the manga came out, it was probably inevitable that Akito would be a girl with that stuff going on.
Also it's been fun since early on I caught myself getting caught up in the series calling Akito a guy and doing it too.
After that I tried to challenge myself to keep from using pronouns to refer to Akito but man it's HARD.
Common English just isn't well-suited to hiding pronouns.
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Can't hide the voice acting either.
The voice acting always makes it obvious.
It was pretty much the voicing, yeah.
I mean it's not uncommon for androgynous anime characters to be voiced by a "manly" woman's voice but I think they could've done a slightly better job with it.
But at the same time it's probably hard to do all the tyrannical raging Akito does without breaking from that androgynous tone.

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Yuu   Expand
95 replies omitted.
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Yeah, that's pretty good.
I don't like the "I wanted to protect you so I was absolutely wicked to you" plotline we see so often
It's certainly a rather over-used trope.
Though not entirely unbelievable.
Fear and concern for those dear to you can really warp your common sense and reason.
But it does get used a lot, not just in anime, but in all sorts of fiction.
A surprisingly quality anime that's really just a promo for a mobage coming out soon.
They put a lot of work into this series.
I'm not enough of an aidoru nerd to care about the mobage but I did like this anime a good bit.
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It had cute characters but i don't like idol mobage much
thanks for anime
Yeah but idol mobage anime can be fine.

Thanks for anime.
See you tomorrow

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Yuu   Expand Last 100
153 replies omitted.
This is some powerfully good bad drunk ideas
I was expecting a karaoke version of the end credits but I guess they had to make space for the dramatic cliffhanger for the finale.
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He wins for getting to see her in the rain

thanks for anime!
Yup yup.
Good luck with the week,.

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!C0.PerkELE   Expand Last 100
hello there
796 replies omitted.
What kind of material would even have to be in that nugget to chip his tooth.
The fuck
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bone lol
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
haha boney
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Speaking of bones.

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Yuu   Expand
71 replies omitted.
I'm guessing you watched episode ten then, eh.
I would assume it's going to run twelve episodes long, but I haven't checked.
Might just be eleven.
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oh no I did

crap I'll watch 9 so we can watch 10 together
It's okay I'll do ten by myself too.
Honestly you probably didn't miss much by skipping nine.
Unless you were partial to that quiet nerdy professor guy or something.
We can reconvene for episode eleven next time it airs.
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 773x720)
That works
This shows is probably worth that

thanks for anime
Yup yup, thanks.
It's the weekend coming up.
Don't be a stranger.