Dare Demo Daisuki! It's kind of similar to having an Oshi, just you can't pick just one so you have a whole lot of 'em Which is nice. It's always good to like a lot of things!
That's true, yeah And I guess she looks after her house a lot, so she could likely settle into being the house-side of the relationship But I dunno if she'd really be happy with that? She seems like the kind of person that needs to be doing something. Miyamura would be a much better housedad than she'd be a housemom
Sunrises are nice Recently here with the days getting longer, the sun's coming up just as I need to get out of bed And the windows in my sleeping area are pretty much directly in my line of sight when I'm waking up So I get to wake up to sun in my eyes
Which is nicer for me than it probably sounds I really do love basking in the sun.
Isn't this the Friends meme Where one of the girls makes one of the guys repeat something back to her syllable by syllable only for him to mess the whole thing up
yeah I need to look at SoS I'll take a look tomorrow
It has some elements of the crafting genre that's gotten popular since the last time they made a console Harvest Moon game, and I think it definitely also brings in some of the stuff Stardew Valley made popular when it came out.
I'm also excited for the new Monster Hunter, which is coming out later this week on Friday But I dunno if I'll be able to get it since it seems to be sold out eeeeverywhere