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「I know the characters i need to do but cant seem t」
Anno Expand
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Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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we're in da other thread fwiw
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i know what i must do but i can't seem to do it
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「How do i make this 60k according to the interwebs」
Anno Expand
like, all the criterias, and the so called algorythms
9 replies omitted.
>>1089334 traffic
>>1089335 over weekly or months. illustration work. social media content
>>1089370 hmmmm
60k followers = 1800 USD
well i dont know anything bout that but good luck you're gonna have to draw a lot every day
maybe someone else on the board can speak to that
heres one 👍
>>1089383 interesting... does it mean i buy or make thst much?
>>1089387 quantity not issue but it seems quality is asked too
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One thread dies and another is born
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unironic congrats
what was ur time
and i was running like the whole time
i can't imagine doing sub 2h in my current state
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this second thread to occupy the front page brought to you by the land down under
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front page blues
babe nooooo
three threads we are killing it
do you have a cure?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
yuh mum
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67 replies omitted.
also there has never been a wordle that was a word I didn't know even if I failed to guess it.
i was actually guessing that in my head
actually I feel like I have seen it at least once or twice
or maybe that's just dejavu
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hrm what is this url junk shid
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
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