Well you only missed what you did of Jibaku and Itai Iya So not too much lost.
Ace of Diamond Episode 48-49 Ahiru no Sora Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Infinite Dendrogram Itai no wa Iya nano de etc. Koisuru Asteroid Kyokou Suiri Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Episode 6-10 Murenase! Seton Gakuen Episode 7-10 Pet Plunderer Episode 9-10 Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 9-11
Leeeets do Kyokou Suiri instead of Dendrogram. We'll be getting like three good shows tomorrow so we can probably watch it tonight and still have a good set tomorrow. And then after that it's the weekend anyway and a whole buncha stuff'll be coming in.
Oh yeah this other team was dancing all over Sawamura's psyche. It's been a rough start to the game.
i dont have a meaningful opinion on this op
It's fine, I guess. Does what it needs to.
what kind of nickname is six-hole
Maybe it's something to -something niche to Japanese baseball culture. Though I guess even if it was broader to even North American baseball I still wouldn't know.
Man three bases off a single hit. That's a really good result.
it needs a better OP though it's not terrible but it's subpar
>>815517 to gleefully remember it's a thing once it's aired.
i feel like that's not a safe place for those two to be
Because of Steal Bean Nanase or just generally?
they're awfully close to her, yeah
I might be remembering this incorrectly but I think Nanase has a tendency to only initiate attacks against guys?
i like this folklore-y soundtrack they have a few like this
It's kinda reminscent of the OST for Haibane Renmei to me. It also used a lot of folky, airy music.
yeah i thought the same thing
>There's no logical explanation other than it was a ghost The nature of assuming it was a ghost is inherently illogical.
Her explanation is kinda drifting into the excessively fanciful. Yeah Saki is touching on the problem. Wanting to kill someone is one thing, setting up an elaborate and ridiculous circumstance to do so is a whole other matter.
the remote part is excessive he could just stay up there
This is kinda like in Umineko when Battler just keeps coming up with dumb and exagerrated theories for Beato's murders that have to be excessively ridiculous to dodge all the truths she establishes about them.
well she's been dealing with things like that snake all her life she's probably used to excessively detailed explanations
It's just the problem I'm seeing is for a normal mortal, providing an excessively detailed explanation is likely to be more of a turn off than a satisfying solution. Like the whole thing about Nanase is both that it's cool to believe a ghost is going around killing people, but also that it's just a sweetly simple answer to the situation.
The faceless person is just a stand-in. All the anonymous posters are just people she's trying to convince.
Eh I feel this narrative is really starting to get off the rails.
well she just has to plant reasonable doubt not a specific conclusion
if any conclusion fits then there's some doubt
oh no she's gonna blame saki
She's getting really close to throwing Saki under the bus yeah hah hah Imagine if she intended to do this all the time. To eliminate the romantic rival. That would be something else.
if this is an elaborate ruse for her to pluck off saki that'd be amazing
>>815540 I get the feeling this is kinda like her getting into a big argument online. And rather than just clog down the dialogue with all the people interjecting and asking the questions she's answering the show's just streamlining things and having it seem more like one big lecture on her part.
Well, the place she was kinda looked like the internet.
It's kinda like playing a game of chess against an AI that always knows its route to victory. Kuro could kinda serve a similar advantage to Kotoko but she doesn't have that kind of direct contact with him at the moment.
Hah hah Kinda feels bad for Saki. I mean it probably sucks for Kuro since he's the one constantly dying. But he's also kinda accustomed to it by now. Saki's the one that has to constantly watch him just get his face smashed in by a steel beam.
the writing is taking a risk by moving the battle to the message boards with this much exposition
they're treading that line carefully and keeping it good though if they weren't really careful it'd be really boring and pointless
It's also interspeding the net rants with visual explanations of Kotoko's theories too, which helps.
But it's stuff like this which makes mystery narratives always a bit touchy to adapt into a n A/V medium like anime. A lot of detectives in mysyery narratives spend a lot of time sitting in their armchair by the fireplace, pipe in mouth, explaining the mystery to their listeners. That can be interesting in textual or even something like comic format but when you get into audio-visual medium the time factor of actually having the dialogue for all that explanation can really slog up the scene.
okay, ready for PET >>815548 i just know they started to lose my immersion at the start of that episode but they deftly reeled me back in i think they're doing good
>The real question is why you'd work for a company whose rules you can't stand
the japanese idea of a company that takes care of you is pretty appealing rn
Oh ow fuck man. Just grabbing at Venetian blinds like that.
I thought this might be a chance for Tsukasa to come around but I guess he's just digging deeper into these selfish and self-serving beliefs. Some people never learn how to grow as people.
Looks like the Chinese guy got Tsukasa to play right into his hand. The CEO probably wants Hiroki to think he's his peak-giver to make him wholly loyal to the CEO.
>>815562 I wasn't playing too close attention to the audio there but I could imagine there's some parallel concept.
The student council really seems to take pleasure in ruining people's fun.
Oh I guess it's the faculty proper that's butting heads with them now.
Kanamori has a pretty hilarious total disrespect for just about everyone.
Nothing she's saying is wrong or arguementively unsound. But I guess adults will take any opportunity they can to restrain teenagers from having too much freedom.
Hah hah she's dressed up like she's Miyazaki.
ive always wanted a foley room for like one weekend
What's the deal with this guy's face always being obscured.
??? And then they just show it like that. They've had it hidden in the OP and in the past episode or two he's shown up in scenes of. But he's just a totally normal-looking ikemen.
i guess just dramatic effect
This has been neat so far. Unlike the previous guild events the other members of their guild are getting some chances in the limelight.
I like the notion of crafter/alchemist-style combat types but they don't really work that well in actual MMOs. They're either not as fun as they appear they'd be or they're nerfed to relative uselessness. Or because it's not fun for the common mook to play they don't include mechanics like needing to gather and keep stock the ingredients you need for crafting.
alchemist/biochemist was really strong in ragnarok online they were a lot of fun to play too
Hah hah Sally's little gambit paid off. She pretended her natural ability was in-game skills last episode. So everyone expected them to have mechanical balance. When really she's just a big nerd.
Oh here comes the walking H-bomb.
The twins have some good teamwork.
I wonder what stat in this game determines HP They both have crazy Strength so if that, then. But I guess that's not the case.
Wow this guy just knifed the turtle. That's plain mean.
She became Dark Sakura!
I guess that's ... kind of a counter to Maple's Defense-crazy build? Piercing damage to get around the defenses.
Seems like we'll get to see how she squares up against the high-level players in the game's major guilds now. So far in PVP she's only ever really gone up against mooks.