one of the front desk ladies at work might have c19 she said in our group chat that docs think she should do some self-quarantining in case symptoms increase and she also has walking pneumonia i wonder if that's where my sinusitis came from
im living at a hotel with a main lobby entrance and an elevator lol it's gonna get so bad here
the prez ended his speech w the word "DETERMINATION"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nvm now he's ranting
>bolsonaro, a great guy now this is more what I was expecting
>>816283 I've got my options on SPY on both ends really, to raise or to dip If it goes up on Monday, my calls will be good for selling, which is nice because I thought they were kill. My puts increase in value if SPY goes down and they're good for the whole month. so it's going to be fun
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
45 is desperately afraid that anyone might think he has it wow
>>816263 they were still moving undeath is living too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the man behind the podium said "penetrance" hurr hurr
im a little relieved in one sense, since it already got delayed from january when it was supposed to start and this would be a really bad time to be in the middle of chemo and be immunocompromised
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>816309 i guess that would be the idea??? canada is too nice to actually suggest that tho and the US wouldn't
>>816337 There's no way it's just at forty cases. Considering this adminstration's proclivity to lying I wouldn't be surprised that's what they meant but it's still a filthy lie.
>>816337 people pretty sure he was referencing the group that they have working on this response could be wrong though, who knows how to parse this shit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>816341 he said that other countries have many, many more lmao i have no idea
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
"well first of all i'm not coming back from something" ?????? lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
SPY holding strong at 269
The prices don't matter right now it's all about monday open
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea true that i guess it's all speculatory now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
reporter calls 45 selfish in implication lol
that's all i can stomach for one day gotta get back to business
>>816352 he spent most of the time plugging various corporations there will apparently be some kind of testing website + drive-thru drop off test centers in like Walmarts and shit so you can get tested if you need it??
>>816353 neat we are opening drive-thru checks too dunno what it actually means
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea idk
testing is good but like the delays and denials are still gon hurt
wew >movie theters limit capacity by 50% so that people can sit away from others the finnish dream
156 cases, barely went up today
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the small businesses!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's overrrr
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>ted cruz is back, but he is going BACK to quarantine
can't wait for the massive gains followed by the massive dips >>816361 If all this money pushed into retail does well, my calls will do well but I'm actually expecting it to dip and satisfy my puts
roll for convincing the free pizza dude at da bar to get me a free pizza real quick now #d20-14 (14 - 14 = 0) Fuck
>>816435 i once spent a bar night without buying a single drink i just convinced others to buy for me some through wordplay, others by gambling, the rest by cheating at said gambling
my best trick was a one sided coin as in both sides were the same worked surprisingly well no one asked to see the otherside i just shew them "this i win" i didn't even lie, they presumed there was a loss condition
last guy i did it to got bit awkward he ran out of money, but said "daijoubu, in20 odd mins day changes and i get paid" so i ended up hanging around a total stranger group, on a random drunk gamble heist waiting for this guy to buy me a drinl
Doesn't that make anything you say a lie since you omit things just by nature of speaking?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
only if you believe that all outcomes are the same u CENTEIST
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
salient information is Salient
disclose responsibly
Salient information is salty
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this za is bready
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
SPY still 269 aftrr hours
>>816441 >>816442 now don't go try this it takes a lot of daring to attempt and quite mery and drunk prey *merry also bad lighting and practice with cheating like that been like 7 years since that so i definitely couldn't pull it anymore
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
takes some diamond hands and iron balls
i had few thing i practiced at one point during high school and kept the skill forbsome time later sg'huffling cards so, that i could at around accuracy of 4 cards get a card to a spot i wanted the trick was to make it still look normal legit shuffling 2nd was the onsided coin trick, which was more of just having the balls to go with it the dark knight harvey dent is quite similiar to how i did it prior two face
stupid teen things indeed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sir are you a magician
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
christ im sorta happy but also a little sad that MakerDAO collapsed
i wished i was
oh yeah in the afterpartu i bullshitted my way to get a plate of free bacon and few more free drinks people had these drink/meal coupons that i somehow got my hands on despite them being for the host student union only i wasn't even from '*that* university
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it always feels nice to get a free bonus
perhaps this explains my alcoooooolism
weird to start remembering some early student parties
>>816486 and moral is that we all act like we're alone and the only one hurting but we're all covered in spikes so in the end who cares hurt me more make me feel alive
yeah very few people will hire an addict to work in addictions without at least two years of sustained sobriety
depending on the level of care to work at the sober house means having access to every client in that house's medications including controlled substances and that person needs to be healthy enough not to increase risk of relapse in clients
so people want at least 2 years because risk of relapse goes down considerably after 2 years, from an actuarial standpoint
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
find you a WIFE find you a NEW LIFE introducing TWO YEAR BUFFER a registered trademark
sobriety is the hardest thing in the whole world and one of the most fragile
I've never been addicted to anything but my own misery in my entire life
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i cant imagine i spent 4 months smoking cigs in 2018 and all of 2019 juuling and now i dont do any nicotine but i drink every day i smoke weed one in three days it's weird
i am 100% certain that if you give me anything other than a stimulant i will abuse it i don't trust myself even though im 3 years sober even if i got painkillers for legitimate pain i would immediately abuse them
for me its substance soup im very suggestible as whoa would attest
i am surprised i havn't gottentruly alcoholic ever
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in the infinite wisdom of twitch chat,
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but yes let us depart this sordid rooic topic tapioca
I've succeeded in, while not sobriety, not getting addicted, probably mostly because of being low social and unmotivation. There's like no opportunities for me to engage in things I'd get addicted to.
addiction is really mostly a nexus of three things 1. trauma 2. neurological dopamine dysfunction 3. good drug use genetics
Ironically the more suited you are for drug use the more likely you are to get addicted if you start with a high tolerance, you're more likely to gain dependence
dopamine dysfunction is directly related to addiction because addiction is a dysfunction in the reward system of the brain
trauma is necessary to trigger addiction but it can be small t trauma over time, doesn't have to be like teacup dying necessarily
considering how low weight drinkets my family are, i bet i have shitty tolerance on genetic level
btw coffee drinkers, do you get any ill effects if you don't get your daily joe?
I think I can get kinda fatigued if I've been drinking like three or four times a week and I skip out on it. I usually only drink coffee if I'm out and can step into a cafe since I like the weird third-wave styles of coffee more than the generic stuff you get for home use. So if I've been drinking a cup a day for a few days straight and then I'm at home and not bothering to make any, I have thought the fatigue I'm feeling might be from not having some that day. But there also other potential reasons for that fatigue so it's just a theory right now.
i never get anything some people speak of headache etc tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>816515 maybe?? i havent done any kind of objective stufy
probably higher prob of being cranky
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't think ive had coffee in 3 years maybe once or twice
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if i dont drink a coffee my heart flips upside down tadpoles in the puddle vanish but the frosty kingdom is not empty
>>816524 tge gov after trump might have a field day with how much power they can field by then man, no one ever strips down the president's power, do they well... finbs did, but we are retarded
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i almost just got my legs broken by some street racers wha tda fuk
>>816527 lot of stuff pressure, invasive thoughts, self-sacrifice, severe isolation excessive stimulation that i can't control with all the bullshit going on
it's been 18 months since i quit, 11 months since i last drank wish i had my meds wish i had my friends wish i had anything
>>816530 from director of dumb and dumber senile and seniler
But Samu. If you'd had your leg swiped off by a street racer you could have gotten a sweet prosthetic and become the next Terry Fox. But instead of running to cure cancer you could run to EXTERMINATE STREET RACERS
6 million dollar samurai
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I'd watch that anime
if you could build a 6 millio dollar man with just modern 6 million dollarsm that would be cheap
Well the modern re-imagining would probably have to be six billion dollar man. Not that the inflation has carried that far away but because six-hundred million dollar man doesn't really roll as well.
'deed it also would prolly be quite dull show unless the creators are really good at scifi creativity
>>816558 Man everyone says Jad is so easy but I've failed 3 three attempts now four if you count one where I lagged out am I just bad.
I think my brain is slow I haven't felt very sharp recently. Can't focus as well. Difficulty articulating my thoughts. CANT' FUCKING SWITCH FROM MAGE TO RANGE WHEN HE HANGS IN THE AIR INSTEAD OF STOMPING THE GROUND
>>816560 they'll need it to wash away their sins of scalping
>>816562 they're just living how capitalist society wants them to bro
no they're ghouls who I must remove epic Keanu Reeves style
You know in the paper isle at woolies they actually had signs pinned up >limit one per customer >aggression towards staff members will not be tolerated
>>816564 I'm pretty sure price gouging like that is illegal anyway even if they have permits to operate temporary business
>>816561 Jad isn't particularly hard but he is pretty unforgiving it's easy to make a single mistake and get bad rng and die instantly since his max hit is 92 and after going through all of the fight caves beforehand you might be pretty worn down and making mistakes you wouldn't if you just fought him immediately too. since you can log out in the caves before the next wave and come back to the start of the new wave you might be better off logging right before you fight him and taking a break for a bit. Then you can go into the fight in a more relaxed mindset. I used that method and it worked perfectly for me.
>>816573 >>816574 Scalping is illegal too but doesn't stop people.
not much. im pretty poor so i never have more than a few days' supplies onhand i have some canned soups and did stock up on porkchops and chicken which i froze, some potatoes and vegetables but they're fresh
idk how long i can hold out for hopefully things get restocked and the stores don't close
>>816688 Considering the panic here I imagine when the shops re-stock this Tuesday we'll see something similar. But I'm kinda expecting by next delivery day the worst of the panic will have blown over.
Kijiji here has joined the online marketplace apps that are banning the sale of sanitizer, disinfectant wipes, and other sanitary products. Er, re-selling I mean. It's fun to see these assholes get what's deserved.
>>816690 the gum you like it's going to come back in style
>>816688 potatoes, tho I dunno if they are cheap in usa like they are here 40-50c per kg
I would wager potatoes are definitely also something stores are gonna be sold out on too.
potatoes are cheap. i have potatoes though they'll expire eventually though
im talking about canned goods and packaged foods with a shelf life i dont think i can go get potatoes either right now anyway
>>>/@topoetryslam/1238917109012447233 Not that I have any interest in slam poetry but this is a really cool notion of keeping things going despite the circumstances.
>>816720 you can now use it more effectively walking on water is easy and running on walls
i just got really pissed off and blew up at this customer for acting like a fucking idiot i feel kind of bad people were laughing at him and shit when he left don't know what came over me
I don't view you as a particularly aggressive person. I actually can't really imagine you acting aggressive.
even if you have to close your windows in harrisburg in finland you can traverse without a worry
that's good because I try not to be I actually have a kind of personal vow of pacifism I've never committed violence against anyone outside of martial arts even when I got mugged I didn't fight back
i don't know what I'd do if someone else was in danger though
No way. There are definitely people who violence suits. You can't have some big, violent looking dude be a pacifist unless you're just subverting the trope, and even then, you can't do it consistently.
Right, but they're not a pacifist if they become dangerous when angered. Unless they're just going to plot and scheme. But even then violence isn't only physical violence. Going after someone to get back at them for pissing you off is violence even if you go do it through plots and schemes.
My mom just texted me that she bought me a Ruger 10/22 rifle with a scope just in case something happens with coronavirus and I need to protect myself? I mean I'll happily take a new rifle but...
>>816737 Nobody wants produce because it doesn't keep forever.
it's the new haagen dazs flavor from the heaven line
that sounds really good is the salt flavor pronounced?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
No, it's pretty subtle. More subtle that sea salt caramel usually is.
ive got some "wild blueberry ancient grain pecans" they're like blueberry praline pecans kinda
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what do pecans taste like
I thought this "world movies" channel they introduced onto public tv was going to only have ghibli dubs but they've got the cat returns playing so maybe they have some other good stuff
i love that shit when we all hide in our homes, nature will reclaim it all it's going to be beautiful
>>816730 I dunno if it suits me or whatever but it's something I feel is the just thing for me to be. There is enough hate and pain in the world already.
I don't usually use violence but that's mostly because violence is risky for me. I can fight well but I have a high pain tolerance that makes me get way more fucked up than I should if I actually get hit because I don't know when to stop I'm more of a sneeky breeky guy I'm not a pacifist by any means and will gladly do whatever I have to do to get done what needs to be done though
>>816785 I'm not sure if I'm even good in a fight anymore haha I can take quite a beating and be alright though haven't fought anyone since I was like 13?
I've never fought anyone ever. Aside from dumb kid fights with my brother. I don't really want to fight anyone. I've got a bit of a bad temper so it's hard at times but I really don't want to fight, period.