I would ve got a better view but I got things to do and also this guy drinking in the car spooked me
park not car I wouldn't have minded so much but yeah, stuff to do he was like chillin listening to a cheap radio and drinking vb and he called me over while getting a shot and started rambling about the virus and how it came from the same bats I gave him a blue moon and said nice meetin ya I was more worried about him having the virus though >>819019 err not sure probably no but it's also probably lax with enforcement
Apparently CTV here's taken to taping their mics onto the ends of hockey sticks to enforce social distancing while still being able to do their jobs. Like that's legitimately a hockey stick, or at least the shaft of one. How Canadian-poi
>>819022 Kek Ooh What games do you have fkr yyour NES? *for your
they should not postpone it spread this virus further guys more death
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>819034 Corona chan pls choke me >>819035 dude I'm spending so much fucking money on Zulrah scales and super restores I've failed like.. 8 attempts at Jad It's making me real sad
I'm good at the switches until the healers show up.
>>819062 That was actually how I died on my last attempt. I tried tanking all four at once and just bursting jad but the healers together ended up putting out enough dps to kill me and I was so focused on jad I didn't brew up
>>819064 >tanking all 4 healers at once that's not a really good idea a better way is to get aggro on them and then run away trying to line them up in a row so only 1 of them can actually attack you at once. or running through jad to get them stuck on the other side of his fat ass and try to out dps the healing
>>819070 yeah, you probably can, that's how you were intended to do it originally before people could do so much dps they could cheese them as long as you manage to get their attention and kill them before he gets healed back to full they won't come back and the rest of the fight should be cake if you switch prayers right
>>819074 another thing you could try if you aren't fond of having a lot of money in the bank is just throwing a bunch of black chins at them if you manage to clump them up while not getting erased by Jad then you can kill them all pretty damn quick that way
>>819076 yeah but ideally you'd be able to out dps them with the aoe damage it's a lot easier to deal enough damage with a 12x4 max hit vs blowpipe max hit
if you brew up before they spawn you should be okay you can also try lining them up and hitting just 3 of them at a time for a safer way that still kills them fast with chins
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I might try it once. I'm already hemoraging money though even without black Chins i was thinking about going back to the Rune c bow just so I don't spend so much on each try.
I swear to god I'd already have this fight down and perfected if each attempt didn't take a fucking hour to set up
well i posted these backwards but this is an example of what you want to do to get them lined up attack the healers as they spawn while you have jad safespotted on the wall there, get aggro, run into the spot in the first image i posted and they will line up for you
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
that relies on getting a specific jad spawn though unless I keep going out and in to the caves
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
If I could have jad safespotted for the healers the fight would be a cakewalk
wait i got the east/west north/south thing mixed up. it's the other way around, though same difference >>819087 if you want a specific jad spawn, you can do it by force exiting out of the game on wave 62 wherever the orange mage spawns on 62 is where jad will spawn on the next wave, so get to an area and kill anything realy dangerous that would kill you by the time you auto log out from force quitting make sure you got enough prayer points when you log back in it should restart wave 62
you can also logout normally if you manage to avoid any combat for 10 seconds on wave 62 and restart wave 62 that way until you get the jad spawn location you want.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Oh. Neato. I didnt Realise relogging changed the spawns
good night it's almost time to see where the chips fall.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
meanwhile on WSB >Being able to make $1000 in literally 20 minutes without getting out of bed can't possibly be healthy. I can practically feel my brain rewiring itself
right now, both the puts and the calls are down and I'm just mad that no one told me this was possible
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
down? like they're all cheap?
nah, not that low things didn't move much and everything's like 15% in the negative
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh damn how do i used chartsz
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dude i should make a VR stonks visualizer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
push that onto the infinite list of never-started projects
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what's goin on blue did you discover the secret of mana
huh finland actually has laws in place aboit intentional spreading of a dangerous disease or an epidemic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
RIP zillow my buddy works there ;_; he'll find a new job and be totally fine but that must be scary rn
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what happened to zillow my mom liked that site
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they do like real estate sales and recently moved into house flipping but with the stonks crashing i don't think their strat works anymore and they have a fuckton of debt now
i want to open a shaman shop to help people cope i bet people would enjoy it like 20 bucks for a two hour session, or 10 a person for groups it'd be fun
maybe not cope with the pandemic, just in general i was thinking about it prior to reading that post and just tied it in
I'm probably gonna go stir-crazy not because of the isolation but because I'm stuck in this house with my family for three weeks. I really hope it gets warm enough to bike or something soon because I'm gonna need something to get me away from here. Though that in itself kind of annoys me because I don't like having to do things different just because people won't leave me alone.
i ran out of my favorite cereal this morning i totally forgot to stock up which means that i am gonna have to brave the supermarket will i live? will i die? find out next time on kirara's blog
The HR story arc to World was a lot of fun. The build up to Xeno'jiva even had me getting a bit butterfly-y hah hah Guess that leaves me with Iceborne to tackle then.
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I am on hold with GameStop and it is excruciating
What are you holding for?
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I want my 50 bucks back
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>based on your answers you'll be transformed into one of sixteen Pokémon(TM)
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro please turn me into a geodude
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they are playing reviews in Peppy Gamer Voices as hold music and it is the absolute perfect thing to get me to hang up but i won't goddammit
i only bought this gift cert for the memes and even on that they could not deliver
I was seeking some employee complaints earlier. None of the GameStops are being provided with sanitzation products from corporate. They're also not being told any social distancing procedures so it's been literally up to the store floor employees to go put up signs saying stuff like "Maximum five customers in the store at once" Y'know the kind of shit some pissy mother or gamer is gonna see and get upset about and call corporate and probably get the employee into trouble for doing.
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gamers... japan just put a 1 hour gaming time limit wtf? how do u get your game on
i dunno my mom send it to me its probably something she read on facebook aka clickbait
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The ordinance calls on households in the prefecture to aim for a limit of 60 minutes per day of video game time on school days for those aged under 18. There is no punishment for failing to abide by the guideline, but residents will be required to strive toward it as a responsibility.
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
responsible :)
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we shall quarantine responsibly and not get yolo addicted to loot boxes
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i am well ANYWAY so it goes
hi whoa
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmmm im quarantined but im also hungry time for bfast :)
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice dood whaddya got
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im gonna go to the military free food cafe right across the street
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dam i thought you were QQ
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they try to lock me up but ill break out these chains cant bind me
Ronin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
blam blam
whoanin /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its funny how different search results are in japan vs america even when im logged in
Oh that's got character designs by the person that did FranXX and Ano Hana. And Okada wrote the script eh. Sounds like fun. I'll see if I can find a fansub or rip later on and maybe watch with /moe/.
>>819332 Hey kannagi. how are you? haven't seen you in a minute
>>819334 I'm not doing great but I am alright. Things are quite hectic at the moment.
Everything shutting the fuck down over there too?
>>819336 My university is and I have to wait on a lot of information about how my exams wil lgo >>819338 Kinda? I have do remote learning for a bit but it isn't going too well, I'm really poor at focusing outside the classroom. I have a lot of essays dumped into a tight time slot and my exams are up the air.
I don't really know what do with my free time. I'm having difficulty with doing a lot at the moment. I think I'm pretty depressed and anxious lately.
got some time off school and/or work huh? what are you gonna do to pass your free time?
oh, remote learning. that sounds interesting
Yeah, my courses are doing virtual environments too, sounds like the same deal. I don't think I had any exams in the first place since my uni's arts department seems to be trying to do away with final exams or something. But I do think all the other tracks that have normal finals are up in the air.
I like the ability to talk about material in lecture so I'm a bit annoyed at being in lockdown mode. It IS nice to not have to make the travel out there for eight or nine in the morning starts but lectures are fun for me.
>>819337 if you get too listless or lonesome, feel free to hit me up maybe we could play some mahjong or i could introduce you to mabel and we could watch some silly videos together nothing too special but it's something
im just trying to stay occupied. work is moving very, very slow right now
my stuff was like 70% online even before this happened
mayb i will play AC
what is it like 5 hours away?
>>819340 Thank you. That might be nice. I might like to do some mahjong, I actually probably need to spend some time really learning how to play that thinking with haphazard rules memorised
>>819342 North American release time is midnight on the east coast. From what I've seen it probably won't be sharp but more like a few minutes after the hour. If you buy the game now and download it though you'll be set to play as soon as they flip the okay switch.
>>819343 if you want something long and stupid to watch, we had a 4chan team tournament recently it's all up on youtube and it's commentated it's goofy as heck.
Mahjong is probably a nice mental hobby to keep yourself occupied. Playing a lot of it can definitely fatigue your brain so I imagine it's running your brain engine.
this would be perfect if i had a 50 dollar eshop credit right now
GameStop's probably super-overwhelmed right now though. Between two considerable game releases (I think GameStop just earlier changed their holdback on Animal Crossing to tomorrow to sell it today), and plus Doom Eternal got shifted forward to sell today. And all the Covid-19 panic and people calling in to get information on their delayed orders and stuff like that. It must be a lot for the actual workers.
it's really hard to not sleep but i've got online karaoke in like 5 minutes and it has raised my adrenaline hello moe
>>819349 yeah i'll get back to them next week i feel bad for them right now
>>819351 Hold your breath for as long as you absolutely can. Like to the point that your brain's starting to panic. It's a good way to shock you into a brief wake-up state.
near the start of the final hanchan, the broadcaster debuts "/mjg/ sings nantokonare", the opening from akagi it's all really dumb and goofy stuff i play in the third hanchan for america it's such a visual clusterfuck
if you want something just to wind down and stop thinking for a while though it's pretty good
>>819383 it's honestly a fantastic game but it's so long i am enjoying it a lot im almost done with cyber sleuth but then there's Hackers Memory to do which is another full game haha
Gosh that's cute. I guess Animal Crossing is probably pretty simplistic Japanese so it might be good language training. So by extension I guess Nintendo predicted that and opted to put in a little cheer-on for doing so?
I wonder if they've got little bits like that for other language-but-not-country set ups.
>>819405 yeah i'm just kidding anyway that shit is impossible
>>819408 That really sounds like a "Do first and sort out the problems later" kind of situation. But I really hope they don't try to withold your doctorate or some stupid shit like that if you try.
>>819408 what's next, prison guards can't work due to coronavirus
Haven't you heard? No one can work due to Covid-19! Best hope you're salaried!
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>819408 can you get your work to make a case to the school for you staying on? >>819412 ik. people who are actually GOOD at the game struggle with it
a lil fun disastr, which caused 90% of prople onboard to die and is a site on baltic that will get coast gusrds of three nations to spawn on you, if you linger there any time
I saw some North Americans saying GameStop's corporate sent out the order to start selling physical copies of the game ealier tonight. But I guess for digital downloads yeah, Nintendo's still got a firm hand on the start switch for midnight EST
ohhh guess ill hunker down and avoid spoilers for the next 3 hours
i saved my friend that betrayed me now he's my friend again we beat the shit out of each other on the roof of the tokyo metropolitan building good old fashioned fists nothing better
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
now im gonna kill wakamoto
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wtf this plot has really kept me guessing i didn't see so much of this shit coming
after this pandemic is over i will retire to spend time away from the army and war with my famoly who i lpve really much wanna see their pics i write to them daily, even today i sent a letter telling 'em how much i miss them and how i'll see them soon
During this pandemic I will continue to live life as normal
>>819452 after this pandemic is over... I'll have to start a new one
Well that's been the pattern for the past two weeks world-wide, so hey.
tru tru
my friend said his dad who works for the gubmint was talking about a potential lockdown in a couple days i can't wait for shit to get more insane
possible like martial law shit?
enforced curfew and shit
nothing super crazy but we dunno
Martial law sounds a bit over the top. Even the countries that have already been keeled over by the pandemic haven't instituted something like that. China excepted because China is kind of in permanent martial law.
i was reading this thing about how china was able to effectively curb the spread apparently they were tracking a whole bunch of people on their phones and restricting access to buildings
t minus 8 minutes?
I can't promise the release being precise on midnight. Looking at the chatter of other regions that already have it, it was pretty consistently a few minutes late. So do get too jumpy. Go relax, stretch your body, make some hot tea. It'll be released soon enough.
Yeah, I mean, by no means am I an advocate or supporter of authoritarian or totalitarian philosophies. But when it comes to restricting and tracking citizen movement, they've got a certain kind of advantage there.
>>819477 ha good idea i am just derpin w marth per usual
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>819474 >>819475 that was kind of the point of the article. They were able to effectively control things by acting hyper authoritarian and they were speculating whether the same approach would work in the West
>>819479 I'd say no, since western societies are not conditioned in the same way Chinese have been for half a century now to accept this kind of brutal control. I mean, governments COULD just go full on arms-intimidate the population and that would probably work at first in anywhere except probably the States where sticking guns at people sticking guns at you is normal. But the rapid increase in public discontent would result in a horrible fallout not too long after.
>>819479 depends ob the country germans prolly would tolerate quite harsh actions, if they are temporary
>>819481 more like past 5000 years, since china has ndver reaöly had a free society of any sort
Punctured Jigglypuff
>>819483 No one's ever really had a free society of any sort. But China in its imperial age at least didn't evaluate and restrain people based on their discontent with the government. And didn't move an entire army on a section of the population that was unhappy with their situation. Or enforce a strict code on what is approved information media and what isn't. What China in its most recent iteration has done over the past half-century has nailed in a belief that the government is always justified in its actions because its actions of force have created
>>819494 It's been available to pre-load for weeks now. Even the 1.1 patch was available to pre-load as of yesterday.
yeah but I didn't know or do that
>If you get the error message this software cannot yet be played when trying to run Animal Crossing after its become available in your region, go to the eshop page and download the Tom Nook silk rug DLC, this should allow you to boot the game without it checking the server. Enjoy your getaways!
Nintendo what the fuck. You can't even do your timelocks correctly.
wow that's some magical sounding fae shit I like it
Duh yeah it's Gaelic. That's pretty much the language the fae speak in anyway.
sorry I forgot all the gaelic I learned in high school
I knew a guy a couple years back who was fairly fluent in it.
that's pretty cool, it's a beautiful language how come he decided to learn it?
should i go live in aussie land
Genetic background. Also a fascination with languages. He's is, or at the time maybe was a weeb, so in addition to English and Gaelic, he was also fluent in French and was working on Japanese.
i still love that one weathrr cast with the walish town name
>>819520 Does mean you'll be getting autumn and winter like they'll be getting. The hemisphere does flip your seasons.
Amusingly the thing I'm getting hung up on here the most is whether I stick with my normal birthday or not. I know the game has a Christmas-y holiday so putting in my proper birthday might make things weird with that holiday.
i hated that in soul silver and og silver i pnly ever played during "night time" had to mux system time to get any of the mons i wanted
Just as a heads up, while the terraforming in the game is pretty robust, one of the limitations is that you can't change the beach that encircles the island, including the mouths where the river meets the ocean. So make sure if you're particular, to pick a beach and river outlets that satisfy you.
>can't remove all watet tsch
there are river and ocean fish, so getting rid of all your rivers would cut you off from collecting everything
Man I don't like any of these four islands. I want one with a west-side outlet and all mine are double-south or east-facing.
rotate switch 90°
I'm just gonna see if closing the game and opening it again shuffles the maps. It does make me do all the character creation stuff from the start so it might work.
>>819544 i just love the idea of possibly fucking the environment even if the game doesn't simulate it
Okay yeah starting the character creator from the start changes the maps you get offered. There's some better ones in here.
neat, good to know
>Our fearless leader himself will be giving a presentation Oh no Nook has gone straight from company CEO to DICTATOR OVERLORD
i survived my first day
Man when you hit the run button you just all out SPRINT
oh god why is he RIGHT OUTSIDE MY TENT
Animalese really just tickles my ears. It's so fun to listen to.
Slime girl feels like she has a whole new lease on life
tom nook 4 smash
You beat Bells out of the opponent players and have to pick them up to effectively use your specials.
might be a fun gimmick more bells from big combos maybe
also, about the island selection, is the leaf symbol where your tent is? and can you move that tent later?
The leaf symbol and the rectangle around it is the Resident Services and surrounding plaza. It's one of the two buildings you can't move, the other being your airport, which is kinda hard to see on the map, but it's the sizable rectangle of stone on your south-side beach. Those and your river outlets are probably the most major things you'll want to be comfortable with the location of before starting.
ok got it, that helped narrow it down a lot sankyu
Mochi ron
who ta h*ck is Ronin
a wandering samurai
A meandering zamurai
hi hello yes welcome to the panic room
important question what fruit you got
apple for me
Apple too. I'm happy with it. The only ones I really didn't want were lemon or orange. But apples, peaches, or pears were what I was hoping for.
I was between apples and peaches so I'm pretty happy with it
This has the added benefit of peaches being non-native so once I get some they'll be selling extra.
apple too
Weird. There's like five or six potentials to get so it's a bit weird we all got the same.
I'm a little bit underwhelmed by my starting villagers. Maybe I'll try one reset to see how bad it is to get a better deal.
got reminded of peaches for the first tme ever, I went to a starbucks. Got tricked, thought it was a local chain, both are green. Paid 4,50 for a 3dl ice tea, of which over half was ice
who the fuck goes there willingly? also the ice tea wasn't even that good
starbucks can be pretty good it is expensive though
>>819633 With the same amount of practice as the people who prepare your drinks you could make for yourself anything they do but miles better. What you think is "pretty good" is actually fairly mediocre when you experience actually good equivalents.
also it was kinda weird experience 5 servers for one customer the place is normally quiteb usy as a "on the go" spot in the busiest metro/bus station here but with the current hiatus on society, it was kinda amusing to see them fully staffed, but with very little customers
tho I guess it is a good thing they didn't reduce shifts, since it means the employees didn't get shafted
blackout club has a quite interesting mode you can have *turn on an option to have the devs follow you and send creepy messages and even start to voice chat with you
Oh second island has peaches. Eh but a yellow airport. Gosh and I like one of these villagers even LESS than the ones I got last time.
>I think the devs are just assholes >"the worst of sinners blames us" aa too bad the average player group mostl ikely will never get the interraction the big names get
so they're suppressing infection numbers in my state by refusing to test people at all
One of the employees at my grandfather's company has it Well, they haven't tested her (I don't think they're getting the test kits in Florida yet) but she has all te symptoms and is deathly ill. I'm really worried about my grandfather because he's 89.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
he's still working?
>>819688 Not everyday Although he's no longer going to the office because of this. My uncles are also stayjmg away from him because they were exposed to her. I'm really worried about on of my uncles because his daughter has a lot of health issues.
>>819685 there was never general testing here and confirmed cases continue to increase from people who are paying out of pocket for private testing
Holy shit this is so pointless and tedious I've got to do a class on Workplace Health and Safety for Office Jobs it's all shit like >lifting up heavy boxes of paper to refill printers could injure your back >dealing with hostile clients can cause workplace stress >office bullying
>>819692 My sister has seemingly permanent back issues from being made to lift stuff she shouldn't have been lifting at one of old jobs.
I have made an unwise decision and stayed up all night playing video games.
I gotta say, Nook Miles are dangerously addictive. They're short, bite-sized goals enough that it's really easy go "Okay that next one looks manageable" and then suddenly it's two hours later. It's Civilization's One More Turn all over again.
the fuck is wrong with this faction every 10 turns it seems like my one port city is torched in a great fire how it is a port city for starters should be easy to contain a fire also rng pls
Yeah. I tried out the platform today, it seems pretty solid. I'll have to arrange an area in my house that will be appropriate for it.
There's like a 21C temperature swing between the predicted high and low for today, from 14C down to -7C Plus it was like hoving around 5C the past week so it's a pretty sharp spike up just for today too. But jumping twenty degrees within one twenty-four-hour period is a lot.
The most I've seen here is like 12C difference between the high and low. That's pretty nutso.
I just want warm temperatures to come and stay come!
Now my room light's flickering. I don't have any other Well as I was typing that the printer in the room down the hall suddenly started whirring. Nothing got printed off but maybe there's a bit of power instability in the area and that's causing the light flickering and other interruptions.
There are some pretty crazy periodic gusts of wind today.
So I have come into no small fortune of Steam Keys. Two hundred and thirty five games. ALl // All of the games from the Humble Bundle Monthly Bundle since February 2017.
I can't really use games on Steam anymore. So I'm going to give them away. https://pastebin.com/PxLDSppb /moe/ gets first pick. Pick two games that you want and I'll send you the Steam Keys to it. If you don't want any of them, you don't have to take them obviously but you can take them now and play them later or whatever if there's anything that interests you.
/moe/s get first pick, then I'll open it up to non-/moe/ friends, then twitter group chats, then I'll raffle off the rest on twitter publicly or something.
oh yeah I unsubbed from that for a reason because holy shit I had so many games
Geez this list really just keeps going on and on
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
235 games lol i think there are like 300 steam keys because some of them are just DLC for other games in the list
PK if you're flipping through the list and you see Graveyard Keeper and you don't have it already I might be able to recommend it for you. It's a bit grindy but it's grim humour and does have necromancy mechanics.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also ahsoka is going to be in mandalorian season 2!!
Ah, sou ka
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
played by rosario dawson
She looks like a more than suitable pick for the role. I guess it'll be a fair bit of an older Ahsoka since Mandalorian takes place after the Empire's fall. That'll be interesting.
Looks like SK is taking Hollow Knight so that's off the list >>819728 Yeah, agreed.
I can really, really, REALLY recommend that game. As far as Metroidvanias go it is a modern 10/10. If she's got a controller to play it with I'd recommend using it since the keyboard controls are kinda bunk at times.
thanks! I've already got kiwami on ps4 from when they gave it out last year
Was Kiwami good? The Yakuza games were some from the list I was considering. I've never played any of the Yakuza games so I don't have a strong desire, but a curiousity.
Okay I gotta go run group therapy I'll probably be back around 4:30 est and I'll send codes then if y'all have decided
adios bye bye >>819737 ehh, despite being a good remake of the first game a lot of the systems are really clunky compared to the later games I'd say give it a shot if you play the other games and enjoy them but otherwise start somewhere else in the series I started with 5 and loved it
All right, I'll take it off the wishlist for Kirara's trove then. There'll probably be someone with more eagerness for it.
if you like metroidvanias then I'd recommend blasphemous on that list great artstyle and gameplay and the world is really interesting if you don't mind a sort of metal-esque take on old catholicism
Yeah I watched maybe half an hour or an hour of it and found it kinda neat. I probably would have picked it up eventually.
Well I was gonna put the Tomb Raider game on my wishlist but turns out it's free to keep until the 24th. So I'll just get it here
>>819720 26. Owlboy 83. A Hat in Time 156. Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice 181. Slay the Spire 201. My Time at Portia 204. Shadow of the Tomb Raider 205. Blasphemous 228. Okami HD
I was just selfish and picked out what I wanted. Honestly I don't mind waiting until after all the /moe/s who are interested have gone through and picked out things they're interested in. If they want something here they should probably get it. I have a hard enough time getting through the games I buy for myself that it feels a bit much on my part to get ones for free.
i would take owl boy and american truck sim if available
I've heard the God Eater games are pretty fun though yeah.
Damn my incorrigible perfectionist nature. I haven't done things "right" enough in this starting day of Animal Crossing and now my brain's nagging me to restart to get things appropriate.
>>819753 Yeah. I'm "only" losing a few hours of progress really.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Well if it's something you're going to be playing long-term I guess that makes sense
Oh did I ... not put the SD card I bought for my Switch ... into my Switch. The fuck where is it then.
Oh. Right here.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Are you getting the animal crossing shakes and suffering memory loss
No I've just got a stupid slight compulsion when playing simulation games to start over and over until I get a start that's "just right". It's easier when playing games that don't tie so much to day-to-day goings hah hah.
I used to have a corrupted, pirated version of animal crossing on the DS I got in Hong Kong The thing would freak out and break if you tried saving or sleeping in the bed So the entire game was basically how far you could get in one day. I used to sometimes leave the DS on overnight and try to keep things running for as long as possible
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
SO I know all about Starting Over
Did it crash too when the day ticked over and saved? Or did that not happen in Wild World it's been way too long since I played that.
my island will be a beautiful mistake like my disco elysium build
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>819762 I think it was only when you tried returning to the save after rebooting the power so you could play as much as you wanted as long as it was entirely in one sitting
like every disco elysium build
Micro SD cards are so ... micro. It's kind of worrying.
>>819764 Yeah the 3DS game had a morning roll-over at like 06:00 that would banish you back to your house and save the game. There wasn't the bed-sleeping save mechanic in that one though, you would just save wherever.
I also remember the mole that would give you a 5 minute unskippable text dialogue if you turned it off without saving properly
Yup! Mr. Resetti is a household name amongst Animal Crossing players. He's apparently been let go from his job as the reset-lecturer as of New Horizons though. Though it SEEMS he now works the rescue services helicopter to go fetch your dumb ass when you get trapped somewhere and can't get out.
Damn it Nintendo can I really not move game data from the Switch's onboard memory to an inserted SD card from inside the system itself. I really don't want to have to download the game all over again just to have it on the SD card.
I've been making a case for the puppy that we should let him roam around the house more instead of keeping him cooped up in the kitchen and then he goes an pees all over the carpet I feel betrayed
he's just a puppy, he can't help but piss everywhere but if you really care about his freedom to roam the house you're gonna have to take the fall for him on this one tell everyone you're the one who pissed on the carpet
Better yet have them catch you in the act of peeing on the carpet. So there's no doubt in their minds
the airport is super dead TSA agents are boted bored af i got approved to fly to canada i witnessed a man try to check in two boxes tied together with some string and tape as one unit
Also puppies have a tendency to loosen their bladder when they get excited. And guess what's exciting? Getting taken to a part of the house you never get to see all too often, if ever, full of new sights and sounds.
I respect your wanting to let the puppey have more space to adventure in but until he's trained better you should really stick to floorings you can more easily clean than carpet.
It probably was excitement, since when he's in his PRISON he's 100% toilet trained
Which is why I've been saying we should let him out more. But yeah. I guess he doesn't associate not-going in the kitchen with not-going in the hallway. >>819776 stealth 100
please stick to the infinite water generating waterfalls that you're used to
they gave this man a very clear answer that no these are two pieces of luggage (you idiot) and he started complaining about airlines making crazy profits scamming customers
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Isn't it usually based on weight instead of how many "pieces" for that exact reason
I mean he's not wrong, but that complaint's also not relevant to him trying to get around luggage protocols.
airplanes don't make crazy profits they're all about to die and usually its thin margins >>819781 theres a weight limit per piece i think or it gets crazy expensive after a certain point
but the point was this string and tape was a joke, the teo pieces could easily become decoupled and one half lost all he had to do was put them both in one big box lmao
well i dk about the economics tbh the bull market has distorted that with the airlines all doin buybacks instead of saving up
With the amount of texture on the rest of the Nooklings' bodies the fact that their irises are these flat ovals of colour is really kind of unsettling.
>>819793 I just listed them numerically with where they were on your list. If there's one I guess I'm more interested than others on it would be Slay the Spire maybe. But yeah, I'm happy to let everyone else get what they want and if some of what I want gets picked, it's all good with me.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>819795 how about this take slay the spire NFQ7T-JKN3V-NN5VB and then we'll get you something from whatever's left after others go
I own most of what I'd want from it, and some of the things I don't I feel would love to crash my pc lately, but did anyone take blasphemous already I forget
Okay I think I found a satisfactory new island Since I was doing restarts a lot I decided I might as well make it worth the effort and take down some data. In case there was any correlation or uneven distribution.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh it looks like someone did put it on their list so I'm good
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>819810 tilde's list is just what he'll take if nobody snatches those, he already got the one he wanted most P2LGV-29FVZ-FPK3P blasphemous
>>819812 You don't HAVE to. But I'm obstinate about getting native fruit and preferably the two starter villagers being ones I like the look of. Honestly I would have preferred a not-yellow airport too but that's a minor concern.
>>819814 I dig I didn't realize there was RNG in starting
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>819814q there are airporta ? also typing while your hand is asleep is hard
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's an island!
>>819815 RNG has been a part of starting in Animal Crossing for a long time. Probably since the get-go but I started on the DS so I don't have that data. At least with the DS and 3DS game it would even randomly decide what little geometric shapes make up your grass texture, hah hah New Horizons seems to only have triangles.
Starting in AC is really the weirdest part of the game. Before New Horizons the game didn't even have a character creator, you were asked some completely irrelevant questions, kinda like a personality test, and your answers to those would determine your starting haircut and eyeshape. In most of the games you could eventually go and change your hair but you'd be STUCK with your eyes for as long as you were playing. Though at the least that wasn'r -wasn't RNG just a weird pseudo-character creator.
The fact that you get to actually choose your character's features at the start and are free to change them at any time from a mirror in New Horizons is really nice, comparatively. Though I have seen some die-hard fans of the series say stuff like "It is nice to have a character creator, but I'm going to miss the charm of the questions deciding your features!"
But really though the RNG is only really as much as you want it to be. If you don't like your fruit you can just rip up all the native trees and get the kind you like planted everywhere. I'm kind of neurotic about things being "just right" so I was starting over and over more for that than the RNG aspects.
Being accustomed to randomly chosen fruit and other small aesthetic features I was prepared to re-roll a bit. My only real complaint is the island maps you get to choose from are like ... only four. Like four presented. There's a LOT of map variants the game has prepared but for some reason you only get four random draws from those to pick from. Even in the 3DS game if you didn't like the maps you were being shown you could cycle through the other options the game had. But in this one you've gotta close the game and open it up again to start the new game process from scratch.
Man the pharmacy people were being cunts "We can't fill this script. We gave you some of this stuff just a few days ago" and I was like "yeah, but as you can see on the new script, the GP has doubled my dosage, so I've been going through that last stuff twice as fast as I normally would." And they're like "no. sorry. government policy. I understand but we can't help you. come back in a few days."
Yeah that's pretty asinine. Are there any other pharmacies you can get to?
747 bus bay beeee its free apparently but i still bought a ticket grrr
Wow. There even is a caution message about putting offensive things into names, but I guess this time Nintendo didn't actually blacklist anything
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>819836 Yeah but it's a bit of a drive. It's not a huge deal but it's a hassle
>>819839 Aahh those look like cute villagers. The squirrels are pretty adorable.
we approach the formidable LIONEL GROUX ... bus terminus
More like Lionel Grump
i wonder if ill ever see my vive again ripthe Vr Alyx dream
Exited a villager's tent and there was a motherfucking tarantula just chilling two steps away from me. At least since I wasn't moving I could get my net ready.
>>819846 Where'd you leave your Vive? All the way back on the West Coast, or in NYC?
>>819848 Well it's never been a game about life or death. Just your eternal debt to a fat tanuki. The punishment is really just you losing your chance to catch the bug.
god i forgot how sick the subway in montreal is you actually have reception in the tunnel and its modern and clean af
I have reception in some of the tunnels here!
But yeah I've heard a lot of good things about Montreal's subway. Toronto's is still trying to repair like thirty-year-old platforms while also outfitting tunnels with train signals to maximize train flow. All on a skimpy budget because no one wants to give the TTC money.
and the train has open gangs so you can see fowevew
Yeah all the new TTC trains have those too. It's cool when you're going around the U-bend near Union and the whole view just warps in a kinda visual-glitch-looking way.
maybe ill just give up on the NY dream and work at pornhub over here
>>819854 oh thats sick you DID A FULL ONE EIGHTYYY crazyyy
let the QUARANTINO begin this is a cute aparto pretty normal studio by canadian standards but gigantic by NY
Maybe if you're free after all this blows over you can come visit Toranna for a day or so. We're in official lockdown still but it'll get lifted eventually. Probably.
>>819861 that sounds nice yea once travel restrictions start liftin
And once the bars here are legally allowed to have dine-in patrons!
So old world they're practically doing the Black Death all over again!
so uh where does one day end and the next begin in AC
Daily rollover is at 05:00
wait not free
*Legal weed
I got some cherries how do I plant them
Gotta get a shovel. If Blathers has arrived in your town he should give you a recipe for a flimsy shovel. All fruit's gotta go in a hole in order to plant.
If you don't have Blathers moving in today, there is a way to get a shovel. But i don't remember how I got it. The first island I was playing that I tossed earlier today I had one before ever learning the recipe to make one but I can't remember how I got it hah hah
Oh, the better axe you can make seems to reliably cut down trees after three swings. Guess I'll be sticking to flimsy axes for wood harvesting.
>>819889 is it okay if I send this to my sister who is a NEET with no monie
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>819890 yes all of your sisters and you can pick stuff from it i don't mind there's plenty to go around
>>819885 oh cool, I got one as a gift from a villager so I just bury it then neato
Yeah and then come back in like three days and presto! Fruit!
>>819891 Ok I'll ask her to pick what she wants instead of me then
I didn't know I needed blathers to get the pole vault so I can jump rivers I might have a picked a different island if I knew that, I can't reach the spot I wanted the museum at without crossing a river the spot I ended up with isn't bad though so no big deal if I can't move it
>>819895 I'm not sure when it unlocks, probably when you get a proper town hall, but eventually you will be able to move villager houses and shops/museum for a Bell price. So don't lose hope that you'll be able to get buildings where you want.
The only two buildings you can't move are Nook's tent and its surrounding plaza, and the airport.
>>819895 this explains the crazy amount of collections I've been seeing
>>819896 dope I'll probably be moving a lot of stuff around eventually, bells be damned
The price isn't cheap but it's also not an arm and a leg. Assuming the costs I saw were accurate. They were more or less appropriate to the mechanic I felt.
>>819891 My sister says she wants A Hat In Time and the Spyro Trilogy
>>819926 Give me a bit of time and you can come over. Also if your island fruit is anything but pear or orange bring it over and I'll get you some pears.
how are you guys so far already i feel like im progression locked until shit opens tomorrow i paid off my tent and uh i think the museum is coming
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>819936 oh i' already heard the OST like a year ago
>>819940 I have months of Animal Crossing experience under my belt. Plus these kinds of "make money by gathering shit" games really tickle my brain in a way that wants me to be EFFICIENT. I also knew you needed Blathers to get the vaulting pole and that you had to give Nook the creatures.
If you're a bit aggressive in playing you can pay off your tent and have Blathers' plot ready for him to move in after maybe two hours of playing tops.
>>819953 you have become the char aznable of digimon
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all of my digimon are gundam now almost i got CRUSADERMON and CHAOS GALLANTMON and JESMON and ALPHAMON OURYUKEN and MASTEMON and IMPERIALDRAMON PM and OMNIMON ZWART those are my gundams
They're all so lame.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my team is so fucking edgy >Mastemon is an Angel Digimon. It is an Angel Digimon who manipulates light and darkness, and has the power to cross through space-time.[3] Mastemon resulted from the DNA Digivolution of Angel and Dark Angel Digimon when a great crisis visited the Digital World and controls the forces of the Angels and Dark angels that are called through the gate from another Digital World. Although it is a DNA Digivolution of two conflicting types and shares qualities of both, it has a one-track mind.[4]
an angel made of a DEVIL and an ANGEL
>>819905 I'll buy you hollow knight of // if you want it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
blue just made a million dollars in the stock market he can afford hello knight!!
>>819981 don't worry, for a measly 500 dollaroos, we can buy you some ripped jeans with dirt on them to remind you of what the struggle felt like whenever you put them on.
>>819982 When I checked to make that dumb joke just now it was at 0.70 to the USD So about that yeah. RIP Canadian currency.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the dream is dead
>>819984 im gonna be on twitter posting pics of my delicious BLT with turkey and kettle chips like "struggle meals"
you know what I want right now, some fucking garlic bread. I have been thinking about garlic bread since before coronavirus panic was a thing and now I'm just getting further and further away from it. Not that texas toast kind either I mean like those nice hero breads with the garlic butter thick and fresh in the middle.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>819987 that really did look like a fantastic fucking sandwich
>So, since I'm office staff, does that mean I can work from home as a non-essential person >Your title is track worker. Best case scenario? We kick you out of the office and put you on the tracks in the event that people get sick and we need more men >I hate it here. I want to go home.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
runnin from the rona
Oh shit one of the titles you can earn in AC is EASY-BREEZY
we got a new client today and she's SUPER fucking neurotic and germophobic she was saying she was excited that we're moving to telehealth so she doesn't have to exist around other people and then she told me that she's going to dispose of the clothes she was wearing today just to be 100% sure she's not bringing any coronavirus with her into the house
>>820005 i work with too many actually old people to do this and not feel terrible about it in the case something happens. Granted, the older people are among the most annoying but I don't want them to fucking die. Just go retire already. One of them just recently got married (to their long lost childhood friend!!) like last year. God, I wish I could be as annoying as him. Just FaceTiming MY WIFE in the hallway before getting our work orders.
I can't stand the guy most of the time but the amount of bitterness coming from everyone else about the guy actually enjoying talking to his wife before work ASTOUNDS me. Like damn, it really is hard to enjoy time with their spouses or something
>>819995 Everyone else in the house is under quarantine lockdown for the next two weeks since they traveled overseas. I'm the one who has to go out and do everything
>>820007 maybe getting corona is the push they need to go fucking retire already
that's weird about that guy facetiming his wife though what the hell is wrong with talking to your wife before work i see people do it all the time
>>820011 Wait, that doesn't make sense. If you're living with people who are quarantined, you automatically have to go into quarantine as well. Because they can transmit the virus 3-5 days before they experience symptoms. So you could be spreading the virus unknowingly!
>>820012 Reminder that I refuse to take any dating/relationship/understanding women advice from these people because half of them are angry divorced and the other half are depressingly together. Liking your wife is just not normal down here.
did i tell you guys about that client who asked me to sleep with his wife
Oh there's the free shovel again. Okay I remember it now.
>>820015 What. Uh, probably not. I think I'd remember that one.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>820013 >Advice for others living with you Others that live with you are not required to be isolated unless they meet one of the isolation criteria outlined above. If you develop symptoms and are suspected to have coronavirus, they will be classified as close contacts and will need to be isolated
Gubment says its ok. Besides, somebody has to do the shopping.
i think i died at least five times to the tarantula rip goin to beddo
>>820018 Wanna do one brief island visit before you bed down?
>>820016 A client was telling me that I saved his life or whatever (they all say that) and he wanted to thank me somehow so I was like "haha it's just my job dont worry about it" and he pulled out his phone and showed me a picture of his wife and said "what do you think" so i said she's pretty, you know, just saying what youre supposed to say when someone shows you their wife and then he goes "you can sleep with her" and i am just like "what the fuck man" and he said he was kidding it was really awkward
Nah, but if you get tackled by a tarantula, scorpion, or get stung twice without medicating, you'll pass out and wake up on the front porch of your house.
>>820020 This is just how good our customer service experience is. Remember when I fixed that dude's phone or whatever and he's like "YO, COME OUT TO ALL OUR BARBECUES. YOU CAN MEET MY NIECES. THEY'RE BEAUTIFUL. SO FUCKING HOT. LET ME GIVE YOU MY NUMBER. JUST SHOW UP."
search for a friend search via dodo code
>>820014 damn that's kind of sad lol >>820020 He was probably a cuck and was like "fuck I hope he sleeps with my wife"
>>820027 idk you've seen me most cucks want someone that like physically intimidates them i'm only intimidating in the sense that i look like i would kill a lot of people if i did one hit of meth
oh man that student thai food totally knocked me out im flaggin
>>820035 oh no, the totally spies have been turned into totally fries! now they gotta figure out how to return to normal size and shape before they get like, totally eaten! this isn't fetishistic at all bro!!
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i turned myself into a french fry
hello, it is i. the frenchiest fry
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bout to kill a god in digimon cyber sleuth
see this is why digimon fucks and pokemon sucks
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>820046 >>820046 >>820046 man this game is so good i got to have a fist fight with my friend to save him from the darkness within him
i have invaded tilde's irish dreamland and am stealin all his weeds with my one good eye
>>820056 if you were an everyday high school kid just trying to get good grades so you can go to college and suddenly you got pulled into some ridiculous scheme and had to spend every waking hour saving the world, wouldn't you want to kill god?
>>820082 draw my catgirl im comissioning you ill pay you one (1) green apple laffy taffy i got sitting on my desk cause i can't eat it cause it's the last one and i gotta save it
I should really get my Twitter synched to my Switch so I don't have to ever do this again.
But man. Go from just barely catching the wasps before they devour my face to sudden SURPRISE TARANTULA
As long as I don't leave this catch screen the tarantula will just stand there, ready to pounce, forever.
Woo thanks for apples Samu
>>820096 RIP I still haven't managed to catch any wasps or tarantulas yet I need to manage my tools to have the dpad switch to them quickly instead of leaving them wherever they end up in my pockets
also vary good villager I have the same mouth and nose
I'm trying to practice with the tool ring but yeah, after so much time playing New Leaf it's hard to not muscle memory the left-right dpad buttons. If you want to catch a wasp to just cross it off you can go around shaking trees with your net equipped. It'll have the added bonus of getting you a bunch of sticks too.
>>820100 Thanks! I really like the cat mouth. A lot of the villagers I've seen from players are using it though hah hah
I think I can afford one of the hairstyle packs from the Nook machine and I can craft a mirror so I might try shaking up the hairstyle.
Oh I was wondering why my irises were so dark on this character. I forgot to pick the eye colour I wanted and they've just been grey all this time.
Apparently my friend's parents who are out of town told him that they want me to stay with him. There's a state wide stay at home order going into effect tomorrow at 5pm. I think they think I'll help him not do stupid shit Which is probably true
>>820144 Hey, would you be up for doing an art thing for me? I need to get someone to rig up a face for facerig using the live2d sdk for me because their software doesn't support win7.
That sounds out of my expertise Never used the thing.
>>820147 Live2d is what makes it really easy. It doesn't rrerequire 3d modeling exactly, just rigging on a 2d image and the live2d engine takes care of the rest. I'll do a little more research on it but it Sounds pretty straightforward.
>>820163 my greatest sadness about the release date was that it came out one week after Animal Crossing. As if people were going to want to play anything else for months
>>820165 Do you know if such a thing is possible? Blue and I were joking about it and neither of us could figure out how to.
it wasn't even so much of a joke to me because I was actively looking for a way. I thought it would be cool to find a co-op game that I could play with people since the planet is mid-quarantine
Yeah when you mentioned not knowing how to I went and looked too but I couldn't find any way to.
I think you can wishlist games through My Nintendo or something but I don't know if those wished-for games can be bought for you.
what is even the point of wishlists how do you find them????
>>820171 YYeah basically I need to prune my steam wishlist
>>820171 That's kinda how I use my Steam wishlist. Though less GEE I WISH I HAD MONEY but more "Hey Steam tell me when this goes on sale so I can waffle over buying it for two hours"
I have like over 100 games on there
>>820173 I get so many of those emails I stopped reading them for years until a month or two ago
>>820171 HHave you read Eat-Man? It's really good, I highly recommend it.
>>820167 i know that it is literally not possible, yes. you cannot gift games over the nintendo eshop at all on any nintendo device
best you can do is give them the money to buy it themself
Damn it Nintendo.
Thanks Nintendo
The lack of good online is one of the reasons I haven't gotten any Nintendo consoles in a while.
Hrrrrmmmm Maybe I should go to 7/11 and get something.
I bet there's at least ONE bat that hs tried cricket >>820189 football too tennis too all sports
Some bats are insectivores, yes. Or are at least that in conjunction with fruits and other things they eat. Bats are a natural predator of mosquitoes which is why bats are a delight to see on summer evenings.
>>820192 Nah football's not even about getting ripping drunk it's about the weird, passionate tribal societies that form out of it that will even in the nicest people produce exceptional venom towards people cheering for teams that are not yours.
The game is talking about the guy I just killed since he's some kind of thief leader. It's just really funny how I kill the guy as the narrator judges his actions and then I rob his disintegrating corpse
Yeah but is it really robbinghis disintegrating corpse if he's already dead.
yeah, i think so
I think especially since I'm the one who killed him. WHAT NO
I can't believe you'd murder someone for their wealth, Blue.