Ace of Diamond Darwin's Game Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Hatena Illusion ID INVADED Infinite Dendrogram Itai no wa Iya nano de etc. Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun Koisuru Asteroid Kyokou Suiri Magia Record Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Episode 6-9 Murenase! Seton Gakuen Episode 7-10 Pet Episode 9-10 Plunderer Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 9-11 Somali to Mori no Kamisama
Nah this has been around for like a week and a half. It's the thing that's been making it hard for me to be awake when anime starts up. Though I managed to make it to now today without nodding off so that's an improvement.
I got a bit worried earlier in the night when I started getting some slight muscle aches, since that's a usual early sign I'm coming down with some kind of sickness. But it seems to have passed over so maybe I was just sitting in a way that was making me stiff.
that reminds me, my mom's muscles locked up and she fell down today she's okay but it's still scary
i think it was some neuromuscular juncture issue like MG or something idk
This show does some interesting things with cuts and switches. It makes for a neat way to both show what appears to be happening and what really happens.
Well the previous arc wrapped up in the last episode so this is a decent place as any to come back in.
has he mastered his quirk now or whatever it's called in this
We kinda got a sudden jump of like a month or two at the end of the last episode, and yeah, it does seem like he's gotten a lot more comfortable with his Sigil. There was a moment a few episodes back that seemed like there's more to be discovered in his power though. It looks like in addition to creating copies of things, he can also modify those creations as he's creating them. So far he's only used it to tweak bullets of a gun he's created though so unless he's improved in that in the meanwhile then he hasn't actually gotten much better.
Seems like the Perforator was an error of John Walker's. He tried to use him to continue his pattern of making serial killers but the Perforator was just too weird for it to work.
I guess the red-haired lady is sleeping with the guy that got set up by John Walker.
And well okay. Kind of a predictable turn of events for John Walker to be old man heading their operation. I was hoping it would be a more clever twist but I guess it's also reasonable for it to be set up like that.
Yup yup I figured the Kaeru/Kiki Asukai girl was a part of the machine they use to do these id wells. I think Sakaido had also come to that conclusion too.
Yeah I'm pretty abuzz with energy about it. If I'm not keeping myself distracted with things it's pretty easy for my thoughts to drift towards it. I've been counting like the half-days up to its release hah hah.
I poked my head into a thread about this series and apparently this story takes place in one of the earlier failed timelines that Homura went through. Back when she was all kinda moe and before she had to mercy-kill Madoka in the timeline that pushed her over the edge and made her go all cool and stone-hearted.
>>814598 I imagine by now there might be some refurbished ones for decent prices. Plus the Switch Lite is a considerable reduction on the price too.
I really like the MC's wrist-crossbow thing. It's one of those things that wouldn't really work realistically but hey, magic. I think it looks cool.
these environments are still kinda cool
Guess in this world Mami's thrown her lot in with these weird evil Mahou Shoujo. She seems familiar with the twins at least.
>>814604 They seem to have at least properly reproduced the eerie charm of the Labyrinths for Magia Record.
Yachiyo and Iroha keep abducting other Mahou Shoujo and bringing them home.
Yachiyo's got some real mom vibes now though.
i have a moose mug im very proud of it
The mug I use regularly for my daily tea is super plain. It's just a black mug with "CAFE COFFEE" lining the rim. I don't even use it for coffee it's kinda funny to me. I've been drinking from it exclusively for tea for like ... probably almost a decade now. I don't even like having it put in the dishwasher I pretty much only wash it exclusively by hand.
They've been weirdly absent from television anime for a few years now. It made sense up until like 2018 since they had a lot of movie and OVA projects they were doing. But I don't know why -what they've been doing after those wrapped up.
They do have another anime airing later this year, I think either in the summer or autumn season. But it's still just another franchise anime adaptation and not really something I feel they can really sink their teeth into.
id love to have something like arakawa under the bridge again personally
Yeah. If they did more 3-gatsu no Lion, I'd really like that too. They flexed their artistic muscles something fantastic in that.
I wonder if Shinbo even does regular direction these days. He's kind of a weirdo but his direction was definitely what some of SHAFT's style should be credited towards.
Baum sugar sounds more like a drug than a delicacy.
just sounds like a sugar from a certain source like cane sugar
Hah hah hah He takes her wellbeing and safety with utter seriousness but then immediately goes and does something kinda spoil-y here. He's such a funny dad.
I'm not too big on this kind of cooking/baking. Desserts aren't really my forte. Hearty, well-rounded dinner-y food that I can make in huge batches are more what I like to make.
Oh no she's losing her baby teeth.
Oh hah hah It's the two homely oni again. These two were fun.
I wonder if Otou-san knows anything about the growing in of teeth. He seems well-versed on biological information but maybe his knowledge has gaps. It would be funny to see him puzzled on what to do. Though I bet the oni would know about it.
Honestly this sounds even worse than a normal dentist though. I don't like having another person's hand in my mouth so an ENTIRE person just sounds terrible.
Actually hm. I wonder if perhaps the nature of growing out of baby teeth might only be particular to humans, yeah.
i guess only humans regrow their teeth here
what kinda dummy picks a fight with a golem
Oh hah hah hah The baby tooth just popped right out.
>>814636 Golems seem kinda rare. Maybe they didn't know it was a horrible idea.
Guess that answers the question from before though. Baby teeth are a normal part of life for other creatures.
i knew it
I wonder if the oni will get let in on her secret before this arc is up. They seem like real sweet characters so maybe they'll be okay with it.
Ah well the little one at least already knew I guess.
i wonder how this show's gonna end it might not have a climactic ending. i think it would be fine if it doesnt
it's really good
Yeah, considering the manga's still ongoing, and the nature of the story arcs, it would be pretty easy for the anime to leave off on a "And our journeys are not yet finished" finale.
i'll bet yuu fell asleep never even closed her post!
Well first day back at work probably means she didn't sleep as much the night before. It's a hard knock life.
>>814642 yeah, we just need to see a sample slice of their adventures and their story for something like this we don't need the hero's journey with a climactic resolution cleanly tidying everything up
Well within the narrative they are on a timer. Otou-san only has less than a year left before whatever internal clock is telling him he'll cease functioning hits zero. I dunno if the writing has been keeping a particularly accurate track of the time passing, but it feels like even within the arcs we've seen, there's been a decent amount of time since the first one and where we are now. It's only so long before they have to reckon with his ever-shrinking lifespan.
Not that it's a concern for the anime and I don't know how ahead the manga is comparatively.
But if the author wants to commit to the seriousness of the deadline they wrote into the story's premise, they can't just keep fitting an undertermined number of adventure arcs into the story.