Ace of Diamond Ahiru no Sora Black Clover Chihayafuru Darwin's Game Hatena Illusion Infinite Dendrogram Episode 8-9 Itai no wa Iya nano de etc. Magia Record Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Episode 6-11 Murenase! Seton Gakuen Episode 7-11 Pet Plunderer Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 9-12
Twenty-four episodes in two -to a four-cour anime. I guess probably by the endo -end of this season they'll probably have their full team up. Maybe in the second half they'll do more of the interhigh preliminaries.
Tobi really takes every chance he can to be a total asshole to anyone.
basketball makes people mean It was like that in basugay too
From what I've seen just looking at people talk about real basketball too, it seems to be a sport with a LOT of divas. At least there's some decent kids on their team.
I'm okay. Kinda just enduring this last night before AC. My brain's been fixated on the way long enough honestly it'll be nice to just have it off focus.
This guy really is HUGE. Easily two heads over most normal Japanese people hah hah
Aaaand there it is. Can't have a sports anime without the idiots on the team potentially ruining everything because they can't pass tests.
People whose text messages are so utterly cluttered with emotes or Twitch emotes is really the bane of my existence. I can't understand what they're trying to say.
>>819031 Maybe traditional phone ones. But Twitch emotes have become a real plague for talking to people over Internet clients too.
it's always old people who spam emojis
I guess that recorded video at the end of the last episode's reached Kaname by now.
Man that's a very Kirara-esque line from Shuka. If he was still watching this show he'd probably have found that great.
>>819030 people saying twitch emotes out loud over voice chat is especially cringey
It's just senseless noise to me. I don't follow Twitch chats like ever so I don't know what anyone means when they say them outloud around me. I don't know what memetic thing they're referencing, I don't even know what the emote they're "quoting" looks like. So it's pretty much just like a foreign language to me.
Yeah. Unless there's another game player in this police squad they're pretty much just redshirts going up against the Eighth.
yeah haha
Kinda reminds me of Cop Craft's "Bolicemen"
Hah hah what. Come on man dragging your one remaining friend into this death game really doesn't sound reasonable.
cop craft was fun i kinda miss it not too much but kinda
Yeah I wouldn't mind seeing more of it.
Telekinesis is a pretty mundane power but honestly an exceptionally useful one. Especially since it seems to be reactive enough to halt bullets.
yeah i guess you have to react quickly enough though you dont have much time for a bullet....
Well yeah. Considering Wang and his friend were staring each other down before it cut away. With Wang standing here there's only one way it could've gone down.
wow he's really layin it on
Wang is like pure ham. Keeps calling the chubby friend a pig but the only one with pork is Wang, really.
i thought piglet meant he was a young cop or a cop's son or something
He was kinda heavy-set, so I figured it was mocking his weight.
since he called the cops pigs, i thought it was an extension of that
The mechanism for rotating the plate in my microwave has been getting really wonky lately. As the plate turns something is rubbing up against something it shouldn't and it ends up making this eerie wailing noise. It's kind of annoying but other than that the microwave works fine, so it's not really a replace concern.
I wonder when Yachiyo became a Mahou Shoujo. She dresses and kinda acts like she's more a young adult compared to these other more kid-like girls. But becoming meguca is supposed to make you a zombie, so I always figured their body would get frozen from aging too, right?
Her friend, the one that's now acting with the evil group, was in a photo earlier this episode so I guess they're probably graduates and so are older than the student-age other characters here.
i still like the soundscape even if a lot of it is reused
Even though Kajiura Yuki isn't doing the OST for this show, it does still have the same sound director as Madoka. That's probably helping both with its familial quality and repetition.
She feels a bit like a shit-stirrer Yeah look at her, marching in here like she owns the place. She's totally pushing this message of "You guys think you're Yachiyo's friend but I'M her best friend.
I really like the fashion in this show though. For a mobage adaptation where you'd kinda assume it's just character portraits of the same design in the mobage. The show subs in a lot of various outfits for the girls. Primarily Yachiyo.
Spooky. Doppelgangers in mirrors always get to me a bit.
Oh I guess she works as a photo model. That ties in nicely to how she's always got a new outfit to wear.
>>819080 yeah i like that kind of stuff iirc the original ahd some casual outfits they'd show off too but it was a long time ago i dunno
I'm fairly positive she did the character designs when the mobage started. And since these are all main story characters I bet they're all designs by her at least. Dunno about all the Mahou Shoujo in the game though.
I know at least Iroha, Yachiyo, and the angry blonde one with the hammer are all Ume's designs. I'd assume all the main cast are done by her, since that's usually how these story-driven mobage seem to task illustrations.
i hope things are gonna be okay my life's gonna get screwed up so fast if i can't work
I'm a bit worried too. I was planning on looking for summer work soon but everything came on so quick so now I'm pretty doubtiful I'll have an easy time finding one.
you've got some family you can fall back on during this hard time though
ive been living in a hotel i can get screwed over really fast and don't have anyone
Aw poor girl. Hayashi's last message for her to carry was too difficult for a little kid to remember. Not that I feel Satoru would have understood the proper message too.
They've put up this elaborate stage performance to convince Satoru to go but t heads with Hiroki but it's not really working well hah hah
Ah well I guess there was a second shell to the performance. Something that they can use to help continue this deceit.
Hah hah wow Hiroki. Now you're just going around fucking with random people.
itai no! or would you like to just rikei since moon had to go?
okay then itai no! okay lets start!
Well there's the triple combo of Show By Rock, Hanako-kun, and Somali for tomorrow. So even if we watch Itai tonight there'll be a lot of goodies leftover.
There was also this week's episode of Chihayafuru but I figured keeping it in the pocket in case Moon needs another one-show delay like tonight is a good idea.
I imagine the fire lady is an endgame player. Even if Maple is broken as fuck she's still a relatively new player.
Nevermind her two partners here are pretty much totally new players. They're no match for someone endgame like the fire lady.
She's even got like the form rollout too. Human -> Armored Human -> Final Monster Form
The flame guild at least made away with their orb so they're in an okay position right now I guess. Considering the alternatives it's probably the best position they can manage.
Yeah, she's too OP. She's so OP and has so many weird powers she's almost a bit boring.
Well if in proper combat. The actual game world is fun to see them explore and the characters are entertaining to watch interact.
These guild contests they come up with too are pretty fun to watch. They're elaborate enough that Maple's guild can't just rally behind her and win, they need to do their own actions to succeed. And there's enough conditional space that Maple's guild also can't actually win just by surviving. Because they don't have a lot of members they can't be as productive as some of these larger guilds.
I bet these guys will have a counter for maple. They're so confident.
Looks like their plan is to just sic their best fighter on her and have him completely hold her down so she can't be around to help.
Oh shit that's pretty kakkoii
They all dumped buffs on him to get him into godmode.
I guess these guys are the top guild in the game for a very good reason.
Wonder if that was all of Maple's health gone in that attack. She's high DEF but since she dumped all her points into that stat she probably doesn't have much health.
Maple needed to be taken down a notch. I bet she'll live though.
Yeah I feel there's gonna be some kind of "Cling on at 1HP" skill she's got. Or there's something like a conditional on the Kaijuu skill that makes her transform into it when she gets killed.